Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing For the City of Palm Coast Northeast Florida Regional Council Margo Moehring, Ed Preston December 20, 2016 City Council Public Hearing
CDBG Program Background Required Program Documents: Consolidated Action Plan (5-year Strategic Plan) Annual Action Plan (1-year plan of activities) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
Fair Housing Choice Fair Housing Choice involves individuals and families having the information, opportunity, and options to live where they choose without unlawful discrimination and other barriers related to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, or disability, and that their choices realistically include options in integrated areas with access to opportunity.
Findings Growth! High % home ownership New housing stock Challenges for households without cars Some housing problems disproportionately impact some ethnic groups Lack of diversity in housing choice
November 2, 2016 Citizens Advisory Task Force Local Knowledge Added Education on Fair Housing will take time Senior Units are being built; the need is for age restricted housing rather than assisted living Minimum house standards (3 Bed/2 Bath/1 Garage) may preclude starter homes Some access challenges in parts of the region Walkability might be factor to consider
Overall Objective Address the challenges by increasing choices Enhance mobility Address existing housing with problems Explore widening the range of housing types
Goal: Community Consensus on Housing Choice Is there a need for different types of units? Starter homes Senior living Apartments Is there a need for units at different price points? Ask the community
Goal: Greater Variety of Housing Choice Share the results of the community outreach with the market Partner with banks Renovate existing housing Count units to measure success
Goal: Connect Housing to Opportunity Flagler County Transit Development Plan 2016-2025 Get people to work, shopping, education, culture, recreation Increase acceptance of and usage of transit Track ridership
Public Comments & Next Steps Posted analysis for public comment November 7 to December 6 City Council Public Hearing and Action Submittal to U.S. HUD