Event Generators for the NMSSM Mini-Workshop on Event Generators for the NMSSM Monday-Tuesday 16-17 November, LPT Orsay The idea is that during these 1-2 days, everybody interested can present his/her project/approach, the codes used (PYTHIA/ISAJET/HERWIG/WHIZARD/…) and, if available results. We can discuss possibilities for cross checks and how to avoid unnecessary double work Some funds for travel reimbursement (and per diem), 400-500 Euros for 4-5 participants, are available on request. Preliminary list of participants: J. Baglio, G.Bélanger/F. Boudjema, S. Belyaev, F. Braam, A. Djouadi, L. Duflot, U. Ellwanger, B. Fuks, S. Hesselbach (?), C. Hugonie, S. Moretti, F. Niedercorn, W. Porod (?), A. Pukhov, J. Reuter, A. Teixeira, D. Zerwas If interested: send an email to U. Ellwanger,LPT Orsay
Last remarks Next GDR meetings: spring 2010 organized by CEA Saclay (close to Paris) fall 2010 Brussels/Belgium exact dates: subscribe to terascale-l@in2p3.fr Scientific program: Jean-Loic, Rémi, Fabio, Patrice, Maggie Fabienne, Gregory, Geraldine, Kentarou Gianfranco, Emmanuel, Tilman Sabine, Steve, Steffen and the speakers and all for the lively discussions Local organizers: Steffen, Tilman, Sebastian, Kentarou And the person with the longest affiliation with Heidelberg