Commissioning and performance of the CMS silicon microstrip detector Regina Demina University of Rochester September 30, 2009 RD09 - 9th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors, Florence, Italy CMS week Regina Demina University of Rochester
From concepts to reality
Regina Demina University of Rochester CMS Tracker CERN/LHCC 98-6, CMS TDR 5, 15 April 1998 – Silicon Microstrips and MSGC tracker for CMS Addendum (CERN/LHCC 2000-016, CMS TDR 5 Addendum 1, 21 February 2000) - all SiMstrip tracker 10 M strips Next largest Si system - D0 SMT <~1M channels 80 k readout chips 26 M wire-bonds 200 m2 of sensors 100 kg of silicon Choices were made to simplify the system compared to D0/CDF Run 2 devices Single sided silicon Analog chip Optical readout 5.4 m 2.4 m Inner Barrel & Disks (TIB & TID) Pixels volume 24.4 m3 running temperature – 20 0C September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Regina Demina University of Rochester Industry involvement Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan. Supply of silicon sensors IBM Microelectronics. Delivery of 0.25µm CMOS electronics, APV25. Planar Systems, Finland. Aluminium on glass pitch adapters. Reinhard Microtech, Switzerland. Aluminium on glass pitch adapters Hybrid SA, Switzerland. Assembly of tracker hybrids. Cicorel, Switzerland. Manufacture of kapton hybrids Kapsch, Austria. Manufacture and assembly of TEC and TOB optohybrids G&A, Italy. Manufacture and assembly of TIB Optohybrids COI, USA. Manufacture of Carbon Fiber Frames for Tracker Modules eXception EMS , UK. Manufacture of Front End Drivers. ST, Italy. Manufacture of pigtailed laser assemblies for optical links NGK, Japan. Manufacture of analogue optical receivers, CAEN, Italy. Manufacture of power supplies Adapt, Germany. Cable assemblies September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
CERN TK ASSEMBLY TOB assembly TIB/D assembly TEC assembly TEC assembly Frames: Sensors: Hybrids: Pitch adapter: Hybrid: Brussels factories Strasbourg Brussels CF carrier CERN Pisa Sensor QAC UR Perugia Wien Louvain Karlsruhe Strasbourg Module assembly Brussels UCSB FNAL UCSB Perugia Bari Wien Lyon Bonding & testing FNAL UCSB Padova Pisa Torino Bari Firenze Wien Zurich Strasbourg Karlsruhe Aachen UCSB Integration into mechanics ROD INTEGRATION TIB/TID INTEGRATION Louvain PETALS INTEGRATION Aachen FNAL UCSB Pisa Brussels Lyon Strasbourg Karlsruhe TOB assembly TIB/D assembly TEC assembly TEC assembly Sub-assemblies At CERN Pisa Aachen Karlsruhe . -- > Lyon TK ASSEMBLY At CERN
Regina Demina University of Rochester Production cycle Sensor probing Assemble modules Test modules Multi-rod burn-in Single rod test Thermal test modules Shipment to CERN Rod reception Tracker integration and commissioning September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Integration and commissioning Delivery at CERN of the TIB/TID+ 31 May 2006 Completion of TOB assembly Aug 2006 Delivery of TEC+ to CERN Jul 2006 Magnet test and cosmic challenge Jul-Sep 2006 133 modules (24 TOB, 34 TEC, 75 TIB) Took cosmics data with new Event Data Model/CMSSW framework 25 M events with Tracker and ECAL Data taking efficiency close to 90% Stand alone tracker commissioning Sep 2006 Establish DAQ and DCS stable operation Commission sector of the Tracker (~20%) with realistic cabling Track cosmics, commission hardware and software Silicon Tracker installation in CMS 16 December 2007 CRAFT08 – October 2008 Most of the analysis is complete and 3 papers are prepared Most results in this talk is based on these data CRAFT09 – July Aug 2009 Analysis in progress September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Regina Demina University of Rochester CRAFT08 Tracker Operation in CRAFT08 – Oct/Nov 2008 First full commissioning of the Tracker (not all final or fully optimized conditions) Coolant temperature = 13° (4° in CRAFT09) Strips in peak mode of the APV Front End chip Higher S/N mode but pulse above threshold for 7 bunch crossings deconvolution mode designed to minimize BX pile-up used in CRAFT09 Data taking took place from 15/10/08 to 11/11/08 (27 days) Global data taking ~ 75% Tracker in ~ 90% of the Global data taking with Working fractions: TIB/TID TOB TEC+ TEC - 96.7% 98.3% 99.2% 98.3% Some of the missing components were recovered during shut down for CRAFT09 September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Tracker status: cooling Refurbished and re-commissioned the cooling plants Nov 08: Total leak rate (SS1+SS2) when operations stopped in Nov 08: ~ 45 Kg/day (and growing….) May 09: Total leaks on SS1 – virtually zero June 09: On SS2: The leak rate is very low (~5kg/day) excluding 1/180 cooling loops (can be off) The leak for SS2 has been identified to be inside the Tracker and it' s thus not fixable at the moment SS1 final distribution assembly completed Carefully recovered & repaired services at PP1, fixed the sealing.
Regina Demina University of Rochester Working fractions September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Signal to noise in CRAFT08 On track strip clusters Signal to Noise ratio (S/N). The signal Most Probable Value is obtained in peak mode of the read-out chip and is corrected for track angle effect TOB thick sensors : S/N = 31-32 TIB/TID thin sensors : S/N = 25/29 TEC thin sensors : S/N = 27-30 TEC thick sensors : S/N = 31-36 September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Cluster properties: crosstalk Cross talk measured using virgin raw data by analyzing the charge distribution for tracks perpendicular to sensor surface : Charge Ratio = (Qmax±1)/Qmax = x/(1-2x) X – cross talk value September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Regina Demina University of Rochester Lorentz angle Lorentz Angle (θL) method : - Per module : tan(θL) = minimum of fit of module cluster width - Average layer values : μH = tan (θL)/B - μH (TIB 300 μm sensors) = 0.018 - μH (TOB 500 μm sensors) = 0.023 September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
Tracker performance compared to Monte Carlo Cluster properties in Monte Carlo well tuned to represent performance on data Achieved impact parameter resolution for cosmic tracks of 29 um, expected given perfect alignment –28.8 um
Regina Demina University of Rochester Tracker efficiency Tag and Probe method • Tag : Stand alone muons •|dz|< 30cm, |dxy|< 30cm, |eta|< 1, 0.5 < |phi|< 2.5 (at point of closest approach) • Probe : Tracker muons Single hit efficiency for good modules >98%. Efficiency of track reconstruction >99%, matches well MC prediction September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester
CRAFT09 Signal to noise ratio Events collected: ~480M ~ 12 M tracks (~2.5% of triggers) ~83% of runs declared good by the DQM Tracker operated in peak and deconvolution (default for collisions) modes S/N in peak mode as in CRAFT08 S/N in deconvolution scales as expected Tracker readout at high rate (up to 100KHz) without any surprise (both in Peak and Deco mode) Alignment precision is significantly better than originally anticipated for start up conditions Impact parameter resolution is essentially equal to the one based on ideal Monte Carlo conditions CRAFT was very useful to prepare the detector for physics running, but a lot more work is necessary to maximize the tracker potential. FY10 will likely turn out to be the most critical and intense operations period ever confronted.
Regina Demina University of Rochester Conclusions In 2000 CMS collaboration made a bold decision to build an all-silicon tracking system on an precedential scale – a factor of 10 larger than any existing one Almost 10 year later it is ready for physics data FNAL ROC September 30, 2009 Regina Demina University of Rochester