Wg NaN STATUS REPORT 26. June 2014 ECC Plenary in Århus


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Presentation transcript:

Wg NaN STATUS REPORT 26. June 2014 ECC Plenary in Århus Johannes Vallesverd Chairman WG NaN

1.4 WG NaN

Goals Continue to produce relevant deliverables and harmonization measures Be an arena for exchanging views and benchmarking on important issues Improve visibility and relevance of CEPT/ECC WG NaN Footer - add copy here

Lisbon Products ECC Report 213 Impact of Number Portability between Fixed and Mobile Networks (Service Portability) ECC Report 212 Evolution in the use of E.212 Mobile Network Codes ECC Recommendation (14)03 Charging Principles for National and International Freephone Numbers Footer - add copy here

Lisbon Discussions 1. Draft ECC Decision Extra-territorial use of E.164 Numbers for public consultation. 2. Draft ECC Recommendation Guidelines for Fundamental changes to National Numbering Plans. 3. Draft ECC Recommendation on Provision of Comparable Information on Quality of Retail Internet Access Services. 4. Draft ECC Report Practical Approaches for Infrastructure Mapping. 5. Updated version of the document Country Related M2M Information. 6. Updated version of the Number Portability Questionnaire, which have been made publicly available. 7. Draft ECC Report on 3rd Party Use of NP Data. 8. Draft ECC Report on Evolution of CLI - decoupling of rights of use of numbers from service provision 9. Draft ECC Report on Accuracy and Reliability of the Caller Location Information in support of Emergency Services Footer - add copy here

Workitems Just some key workstreams of our project teams PT TRIS PTSN to IP migration: QoS of retail IAS: The draft recommendation "Provision of comparable information on Retail Internet Access Service Quality" Mapping of telecom infrastructure Usage of DNS, dialouge with ETSI NTECH PT FNI Report:Evolution in the use of MNC Decision(s) on Extra territorial use of E.164 numbers Rec: Charging principles for National and International Freephone numbers         Draft Recommendation – Guidelines for fundamental changes to National Numbering Plans PT NP Draft ECC Report 213: Impact of Number Portability between Fixed and Mobile Services. Report on 3rd Party Use of NP Data. Report evolution in CLI usage - decoupling of rights of use of numbers from service provision. Prevention of CLI Spoofing PT ES Report on accuracy & reliability of 112 caller location Just some key workstreams of our project teams

PT NP Footer - add copy here

1.3 Deliverables http://www.cept.org/ecc/topics/numbering/wg-nan-deliverables All our deliverables can be found here A long list spanning from CLI issues, to Number portability best practises, efficiency, M2M, fraudulent use of numbers etc.

1st PT ES Meeting 23 May 2013, Brussels – learning from on-the-ground experiences So what has been done to date. PT ES met for the first time in Brussels on 23 May last year. The meeting was well attended and the positive engagement from stakeholders present such as national police forces, fire brigades, PSAP operators, ministries and NRAs was very encouraging. In this meeting we were pretty much in listening mode, the objective being to learn from on the ground experiences and indeed the insights we received from the different stakeholders present was crucial in establishing the way forward with the report in terms of the important areas that we need to cover and provide guidance on. So what has been done to date. PT ES met for the first time in Brussels on 23 May last year. The meeting was well attended and the positive engagement from stakeholders present such as national police forces, fire brigades, PSAP operators, ministries and NRAs was very encouraging. In this meeting we were pretty much in listening mode, the objective being to learn from on the ground experiences and indeed the insights we received from the different stakeholders present was crucial in establishing the way forward with the report in terms of the important areas that we need to cover and provide guidance on.

4th Meeting 25-27 February 2014, Brussels Days 1 and 2 dedicated to external workshop Focus on mobile. To explore technological developments facilitating more accurate and reliable caller location information and the associated impact and costs of implementation. Day 3 – Consideration of workshop outputs and questionnaire responses 4th meeting took place in February and we organised external presenttions from equipment manufacturers and from google to get some insights into the techniques they use for commercial location based services. The focus was on mobile caller location information whether provided by the handset or the networlk not just on the accuracy of various technical solutions but on the impact and costs of implementation of these diferent technology options. We learned a good deal about advances in providing indoor location and vertical location with for example pressure sensoring in the chipsets. And clarification on what solutions are supported within the different network evolutions e.g. 2g, 3g, 4g etc. 4th meeting took place in February and we organised external presenttions from equipment manufacturers and from google to get some insights into the techniques they use for commercial location based services. The focus was on mobile caller location information whether provided by the handset or the networlk not just on the accuracy of various technical solutions but on the impact and costs of implementation of these diferent technology options. We learned a good deal about advances in providing indoor location and vertical location with for example pressure sensoring in the chipsets. And clarification on what solutions are supported within the different network evolutions e.g. 2g, 3g, 4g etc.

5th Meeting 20-21 March 2014, Biel / Bienne External presentations Further consideration of workshop outputs and questionnaire responses March-June: several webmeetings June 2014: Stable draft version of report circulated to NaN Public consultation coming up The most recent meeting took place in Biel in two weeks ago and we again had some external presentations. One from GSA on the capabailities of Gallileo and Egnos and the timetable for deployment. And another form CSI who implemented an efficient call routing system for the PSAPs in Switzerland. So the data gathering process is now complete. We have a first stable version of the report although preliminary conclusions have yet to be drawn.

EC workshop 7 May 2014


Contact Johannes Vallesverd jmv@npt.no Mobile: + 47 950 94 409 Twitter: @NPJohannes www.cept.org http://www.cept.org/ecc/groups/ecc/wg-nan Follow us on Twitter: @CEPT_ECC   CONFIDENTIAL