By Professor Evanowski November 6, 2007 How to do a Report By Professor Evanowski November 6, 2007
Do a KWL Chart A what? A KWL Chart: What do you Know? What do you Want to find out? What did you Learn? (do this part as you go and at the end)
Read and Take Notes! Don’t take notes on everything! Just write down things you understand! Just write down the facts you want to remember! Skip the boring parts! I said don’t write down parts you don’t understand! OK, read and take notes!
Now Stare at Your Notes and Figure out Some Categories Which notes go together? Think about categories like “Food,” “Shelter,” “Babies,” “Looks,” or “Appearance,” “Amazing Facts,” and so on! You don’t have to use all your notes in your report, just the ones you want to tell people about. If you don’t have enough notes, read the books some more! Do some more research! If you saw another book on the same topic, you could read that too!
Juan 11/6/07 Different Kinds BATS Food Roosts
After You Figure out Categories, Put in some of the Details / Facts!
BATS Juan 11/6/07 Cool Facts Food Roosts Mice, fish, frogs Can see! 850 species Mammals Cool Facts BATS insects Food Roosts Fruit By day Buildings, tunnels, caves, trees Mice, fish, frogs
Now You Are Ready to Rock n’ Roll! Write Your Report! You may want to start with an Introduction. That’s a paragraph where you introduce your topic to your readers, trying to get them interested! Each category can be one paragraph, with about 3 or 4 sentences! Don’t forget to indent, start with capitals and end with punctuation. Try to start sentences with different words. Imagine your are talking to the whole class. Make it interesting. You can also ask questions, make exclamations, give your opinions, and more!
Juan 11/6/07 Bats are Cool Do you think bats are scary, live in caves and might drink your blood? Well, that’s only one kind of bat, the Vampire Bat, and it drinks the blood of animals. There are hundreds of other bats that live many places and eat many things. Let me tell you about them. Bats live in roosts. They spend all day, just hanging out, upside down. You might find one in a tunnel, a building or even a hollow tree. Bats eat many things. Most bats eat insects. That’s cool because I don’t like bug bites. Other bats eat fruit. Some bats even eat mice, fish and frogs. Bats are cool. They really can see, but people think they can’t. They are mammals. Also, there are 850 different species. Wow, bats are amazing!
Great Job! Take a bow! I learned a lot! Did you learn a lot? Now start your next report!!! Wow, learning is fun! Wow, this is the best class ever! Wow, I keep saying wow. Now get out there and learn, People!