Alexis Gonzaga 6A
Spreadsheet Player Name Number at Bats Number of Hits Adrian Betre 589 189 Joe Mauer 510 167 Josh Hamiliton 518 186 Omar Infante 471 151 Carlos Gonzales 587 192
Your work Batter #1 hits/bats=189/589 so the average is .320 189/589= .302 167/510= Batter #3 Hits/bats=186/518 .305 192/587=
Your work Batter #4 Hits/bats=151/471 .320 151/471= Batter #5 .326 192/587=
Final Spreadsheet Rank Player Name Batting Average 1 Carlos Gonzales .326 2 Omar Infante .320 Adrian Betre 3 Josh Hamiliton .305 4 Joe Mauer .302
Persuasive Paragraph Players with high averges,hits,and there job in bats. The top 5 players I chose have high hits,and jobs in bats, the #1 person that is good at baseball and haves a very high average is carlos gonzales . Carlos gonzales has an average.326 which makes him really famous and really god in baseball an normal person would not have that kind of average. Carlos gonzales has a #587 on bats and has a #192 on bats . He is really good to have him on a baseball team
Reflection After doing this project, I’ve notice that this helped me cracll. This project helped me by solving and rounding the averages of any thing that involve rounding. This also helped me cracll by showing how games involve math problems and exact averages to find there total skill.This project is a help on cracll ,showing math every thing also in sports it also helps cracll by helping rounding and dividing.this project really helps in math also in sports