Turning Curriculum into Action!
Turning Curriculum into Action! Julie Mildrew jmildrew@stedward.com Resources can be found at: http://computerstedward.pbwiki.com/ http://rcbotech.wikispaces.com/
Change is the law of life Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or to the present are likely to miss the future. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy Turning curricyulm into action looking at 21st century skills needed for preparing for the future. it is difficult to develop a curriculum to prepare for a future we do not know what it is going to be like. many peole with degrees can’t find a j
So what is in our children’s future? Continued out-sourcing of jobs Continued automation of jobs Knowledge doubling exponentially Jobs/technologies of the future that have not yet been invented india china part of global supply chain for services and manufacturing. past few years, massive investments in technology – satellite broadband connectivity, undersea cables – have changed the shape of the world, making global communications cheap and abundant. computers became cheaper and available all over the world. Friedman states that thirty-five years ago, if you had the choice between being born a B+ student in Brooklyn or a genius in Bangalore, India, you'd rather be born the B+ student in Brooklyn, because your life opportunities would be so much greater in Brooklyn, even as a B+ student. Today, you'd much rather be born a genius in INdia because when the world is flat, and you can plug and play, Thomas Friedmann, “The World is Flat”
Shift Happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcfrLYDm2U When I was growing up, I was told to eat my dinner because there were kids in China and India that were starving for my food. Today I tell my kids that they’d better study because there are people in China and India that are starving for their jobs! Inservice 200 000 hits did you know updated version
No idea of the future can;t grasp what unprectiave extruadany capacity No idea of the future can;t grasp what unprectiave extruadany capacity. creativity is as important as literacy treat it with the same respect. our educational system educates the creativity out of students. out teaching predidcated on academic ability. Never get a job doing what you have passion for that whole world is changing. GoD BUT NO ONE KNOW WHT GOD looks like well they will in a educated out of our creativity.
Blooms taxonomy knowledge remember at the bottom create at the top
21st Century teaching must embrace huge paradigm shifts… Teachers must be the experts at teaching and learning, not the repositories of vast quantities of information. Our job is to help kids process (analyze and evaluate) information, remix (synthesize) it, and present it in new ways.
New ways Using VIDEO along with other 21st century teaching tools is a great way to... Engage Students These are the new tools how many of then do you use in your classroom. How many does your diocese let you use?
WHY VIDEO ? Express deeper understanding of content All types of students get a chance to use 21st century skills. Increases motivation and creativity. Can apply to many different curriculum areas.
What do you need? digital camera video camera microphone tripod imovie camera support http:support.apple.com/kb/HT3290?viewlocale=en_US#4 canon does not compress video. small lcd screen video 129 to 229. internal mic mic
Free tools on the web
Converters Free Converters: Media converter Vixy.net Zamzar
PICTURES The Stock exchng – http://sxc.hu/category/100 Library of Congress – http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/list/listguid.html Pics4Learning. - http://www.pics4learning.com/ Little Explorers -http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Dictionary.html Don’t Forget Flickr!
Music /Sound effects Sound America Find sounds Freeplay music.com Creative commans.org pacdv.com/sounds Sounddog.com Garage Band Discovery Education
What kind of projects work best? Parent communication Public Service Announcement Interviews News Desk Game Shows Storytelling State Projects Social Studies SLE School Events Graduation Video Commercials
Basic Steps Visual Grammar Brainstorm Prewriting Story board Outline Shooting Rough outline/writing Editing Re-write Review Assessment
Script Development pre-writing Who, What, Where, and Why What is the best way to tell your story? Good time to talk about copyright material. What resources will you need? Write the script.
Story board is the outline Organize your thoughts Illustrations displayed in sequence Drawings do not have to be perfect Events as the camera would see them Visual grammar What kind of shot? Many times I skip the script writing or make it brief Better the storyboard the easier it is to film
Rule of Thirds
Story Board http://movies.atomiclearning.com/k12/storyboardpro/ show third grade story board + project
Editing is the Re-write What software should you use for video editing? PC Movie maker Pinnacle Studio Corel VideoStudio Adobe® Premiere Elements Adobe®Premiere Pro MAC i-movie Final Cut Express Final Cut Pro
Review/Rubric Project Goals:Course content and standards AFI
i-movie 9 http://www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/#imovie tuitorials short movies on apple site. I move 9 improvement. quick project improved from imovie 08.
iMovie6 HD - iEasy USE WITH THE KIDS. EASY TO USE. Can use 3rd party effects. easy edit with audio. doesn not come with new macs but can be down loaded on apple web site.
Free and Quick Digital storytelling and Movie making Animoto Voice Thread Educational versions available for both Slide share