They Have Not Prevailed Psalm 129
Afflicted from my youth (1-4) Vs. 1-2, repeated in vs. 2 – could be a responsive statement Many a time afflicted from youth – Israel’s history included many times of affliction. Beginning in Egypt Vs. 3, Plowers plowed my back (captivity) cf. Micah 3:12 – possibly a reference to beatings, Exodus 1:11, 5:13-14, Isaiah 10:24
Afflicted from my youth (1-4) Vs. 2-4, delivered. The enemies have not prevailed – God is greater, Romans 8:31, 1 John 4:4 But also, we find endurance – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 He is righteous – Revelation 16:7, Psalm 19:9 He has cut in pieces the cords of the wicked – 2 Cor. 1:9-10, 2 Peter 2:9
Afflicted from my youth (1-4) Lessons The kingdom of God will stand – Just as Jerusalem had endured (to the time of the psalm), so the church has endured – assaults within and without – in its youth and throughout the ages Matthew 16:18, Hebrews 12:28, cf. 1 Peter 1:25
Afflicted from my youth (1-4) Lessons We have enemies. While the future of the godly on earth seems troublesome, yet the Lord is righteous and He is still in control!
Afflicted from my youth (1-4) Lessons The bondage of sin Jesus endured chastening for our sins, to release us - Matthew 27:26, 1 Peter 2:24 (Isa. 53:5), Hebrews 9:28 We are freed from bondage Hebrews 2:14-15 - through death, He destroyed the power of the devil to release us Galatians 4:3-7 – bondage under the elements of the world
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) An imprecatory psalm – to call a curse or judgment upon one’s enemies. Today, we must consider: 1) We love our enemies - Matthew 5:43- 45, Romans 12:19-21, etc. 2) We do not rejoice in iniquity (1 Cor. 13:6 3) To request deliverance is reasonable Matt. 6:13, 2 Tim. 4:18, 2Thess. 3:3 4) Such requests must be with humility and love 5) Examine your motives 6) Leave it in God’s hands
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) Let those who hate Zion be put to shame Zion, the place where God meets with His people. Zion in the NT Matt. 21:5, John 12:15 (Zech. 9:9) Jesus entering Jerusalem on a colt Romans 9:33, 1 Peter 2:6 (Isaiah 28:16) rejecting Him is a stumbling block Romans 11:26 (Isaiah 59:20-21) the deliverer will come out of Zion Hebrews 12:22 – Mount Zion Revelation 14:1, the Lord as a Lamb, standing on Mt. Zion
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) Let those who hate Zion be put to shame Do we desire that ungodly ways be frustrated? Do we desire those of the world to be saved? 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, cf. Romans 10:1 However…
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) However, we cannot retaliate against ungodliness. BUT we can: Be a godly example – 1 Peter 2:11-12, 3:15-16 Pray that God’s will prevail & His church prosper – 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2, 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) We cannot retaliate against ungodliness. BUT we can: Seek to change our environment for better – Matthew 5:13, 16 Don’t contribute to ungodliness – Ephesians 5:11, Romans 1:31, Isaiah 5:20, cf. 1 Corinthians 5:6
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) Let them be as grass on a housetop Dirt sometimes put on the roof of a house to keep it cool. After rain, a little grass would grow, but it had not root and no use. The desire is that the ungodly wither away. That their scheming fails
Let those who hate Zion… (5-8) Neither let those who pass by them say, “The blessing of the LORD be upon you…” Do not give friends of the enemies the power to bless them Thought: How often do the ungodly think they are godly? Do we contribute to this by blessing the wicked – cf. 2 John 9-11
We are part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken Let us resolve to put our deliverance in His hands!