Dr. Michelle M. Pulaski Behling Tamilee Webb Mindy Berard STORIFY Dr. Michelle M. Pulaski Behling Tamilee Webb Mindy Berard
What is Storify? Social media curation tool for digital stories Storify.com Went live in 2011 Makes sense of what people post on social media Gives the social perspective on any event
How does Storify work? Storify allows users to search Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds, Google, Flickr and YouTube for specific topics. You can also search specific twitter users, add your own urls and use a bookmarklet to send a specific site to Storify. drag and drop the results you want into your storypad You also can structure your story by adding a header, a main description and subheads or captions, which ideally add context to the content. The point isn’t to simply aggregate social media, but to carefully select pieces that together tell a story of their own, combined with your own captions.
Course Applications HW Assignments Final Projects Case Studies Current Event Discussions Course Concept Integration
Discipline Applications Perfect for current events: allows students to gain perspective on timely issues: https://storify.com/MediaProf/fillibuster- reform-who-is-saying-what Literature: spark conversation about a novel https://storify.com/abc/pride-and-prejudice- turns-200; https://storify.com/Emmaeriksen23/classic- novels-into-multi-million-dollar-films Health: UNICEF campaign to end preventable child deaths https://storify.com/UNICEF/a-promise-renewed-1 Business/Technology: analyze recent technology mergers and acquisitions https://storify.com/nbcnews/tumblr-celebrates-users- wary
Educational Benefits Using Web 2.0 resources to keep track of sports media events and analyze real world situations allows students to use the technologies they are already familiar with in new ways. By providing students with highly interactive learning experiences, they become more engaged with the material ( Blended Learning Approach) Utilizing engaging technology like Storify in class results in student centered learning
Storify Project Objective: To engage in digital storytelling to critically analyze a current issue related to sports media. Create a story by collecting social media relevant to your topic Write narrative by conducting additional research of academic literature related to topic. The narrative critically analyzes the relationship between the collected social media elements and students’ topics Stories are published to the web; shared on social media sites, and embedded into eportfolio Topics ranged from the impact of social media on the 2011 NFL lockout to a comparison of media coverage of African American quarterbacks vs Caucasian quarterbacks
Student Work Mindy Berard analyzed the impact of social media on the 2012 NHL lockout http://echoess.pace.edu:8080/ess/echo/presentation/5cc36 bd2-7409-41bc-891d-54f4c25a9927 Tamilee Webb The Media’s One Sided Showcase of Athletes