CONFERENCE “Health, social and tourism policies:


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Presentation transcript:

CONFERENCE “Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?”   29 September 2017 Jesolo – Venice Vivaldi Theatre, via dei Bersaglieri 1 Using Smart Solutions to Boost the Health, Wellness and Medical Tourism Market Anastasios Rentoumis Health Services Manager, VIDAVO Health TELEMATICS, President of AfIC

29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

EXISTING CHALLENGES FROM HEALTH TOURISM IN THE REGION Enhance possibilities for Public Private Partnerships or Synergies in Health - Medical Travel – Health - Medical Tourism in Italy and the region. Ministry of Health and Tourism to take important decisions regarding the development of the Health - Medical Tourism Industry Although EC freedom of transfer directive for EU patients in plaace, there is no framework to share personal and sensitive data across countries between health providers in countries of origin and receiving countries. 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

OBJECTIVE(S) OF THE GOOD PRACTICE To support smart synergies with health - IT sector to bridge the gap between stakeholders (health, tourism, social, patients) Since no global medical – health tourism service ecosystem framework due to restrictive EU and national legislation, Vidavo proposes autonomous e-use of e/m health innovations in local contexts. Need for personalised health - medical tourism services based on evidence based medicine, scientific protocols and guidelines. Application in special units such as health – medical tourism camps, hotels for specific patient groups such as Diabetics to promote healthy living activities and combine with tourism and culture initiatives. 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

Resorts & special premises Health Services/ Providers MAIN ACTIONS Strategic Business Models to Reshape Health – Medical Tourism Market spanning across sectors Resorts & special premises Health Services/ Providers Wellness Programs Special stakeholders Hotels Spas Touristic units Cruises Assisted – Residential premises Hospitals Clinics Rehab Centers IVF Centers Hemodialysis Mental Health Eye therapy centers Health Professionals Culinary Detox Fitness Physical activity Thermalism - Thalassotherapy Medical Therapies Tour operators Insurance companies Facilitators Information Technology Providers 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

MAIN ACTIONS Agios Nikolaos, Chalkidiki , Greece 3rd University Pediatric Clinic of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in “HIPPOCRATIO” General Hospital Special Camp Model for international young campers Supported & coordinated by special team (endocrinologists, pediatricians, dieticians) Innovative interactive tools for evidence based medical data - Telemetry - Telemedicine - On-line tool for health & nutrition assessment On-line diagnosis and management

Supported by special scientific team MAIN ACTIONS IMMOT – Intelligent Mediterranean Metabolic homeostasis Therapy-programme Supported by special scientific team ( in the fields of Nutrigenetics, Ergophysiology, Clinical Biochemistry and Exercise Biochemistry, Toxicology, Preventive Medicine, Neuropsychology and Psychosomatics, Cellular Genetics and relevant medical sciences) Innovative Platform for effective follow - up with teleconference and smart tools (interactive questionnaires, special diary, personalized alerts etc.)

Health and wellness integrated personalised services STRENGTHS Health and wellness integrated personalised services Scalable remote interconnections between tourists and health professionals It is a reasonable budget investment for the public and private sector since IT platform and apps are available on a subscription basis 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

New idea, not extensively tested yet WEAKNESSES New idea, not extensively tested yet Demand for stategic approach from policy makers and many questions need to be answered, such as: Is Medical Travel – Medical Tourism a Strategic Option for Enhancement of the Italian Touristic Product? What Areas of Healthcare Provision are Promising for Medical Travel – Medical Tourism Development in Italy? What are the expectations from the Ministries of Tourism and Health, regarding a Public Private Partnership? 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

IMPACT ON HEALTH CARE DELIVERY Competitive advantage based on different ecosystems’ potential Possibility for on - line personal health, nutrition, training - fitness evaluation and improvement of lifestyle risk factors. Creation of a brand name for innovative care delivery to attract health tourists across sectors (chronic disease patients, elderly, athletes) 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

IMPACT ON HEALTH CARE DELIVERY 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Anastasios Rentoumis Health Services Manager Vidavo Health Telematics and President of AfIC , strategico degli appalti innovativi in sanità: PCP e PPI quali opportunità di finanziamento” 29 September 2017 Jesolo - Venice Health, social and tourism policies: which synergies are possible?