How is Technology Changing the United states and the world?
Technological Changes New technology is causing major changes in society at: Home School Workplace
Many people predict that technology will change the entire structure of education.
Online courses through the Internet are becoming very popular.
Many schools use computer-based learning to reinforce concepts.
Information is continuing to increase faster than we can process it. Artificial intelligence is software that can process information on its own without human intervention.
Examples: Games playing – where most advances have been made Natural Language – offers the greatest potential rewards by allowing people to interact easily with computers by talking to them Robotics – used in assembly plants, such as for cars. The newest type is called a bot which is used by search engines.
Increasing resistance to disease Genetic engineering refers to changing the DNA in a living organism. Benefits Increasing resistance to disease Enabling a plant or animal to do something it would not typically do Enabling a fruit to ripen without getting squashy
Electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services using the Internet and is predicted to grow at an ever-increasing rate. Digital cash allows someone to pay online by transmitting a number from one computer to another. New jobs and new job categories are being developed because of the Internet and electronic commerce.
In the 21st century, many people will work from their homes. Some technological advances are voice recognition, space travel, smart houses, and electronic shopping.