Statement of Objective By the end of the lesson, we will recognize the risk factors for Acne which are often within our control.
A skin disorder in which the pores in the skin are clogged with oil. 5 things that make acne worst 1. Stress 2. Sun Exposure
5 things that make acne worst 3. Oily and heavy cosmetics 4. Popping or picking acne pimples 5. Anabolic steroids
Acne is a skin condition which has *Plugged pores (blackheads or whiteheads) *Inflamed pimples
Most teenagers get some form of acne. Acne occurs on The face, The neck, The chest, The back, The shoulders, The upper arms. Most teenagers get some form of acne.
Acne has nothing to do with not washing your face It is best to wash your face with a mild cleanser and warm water daily. Washing too often or too vigorously may actually make your acne worse.
Acne is not caused by foods. However, if certain foods seem to make your acne worse, try to avoid them
Wash face with mild soap if acne is mild What to do Wash face with mild soap if acne is mild A Physician can recommend over-the-counter medicine to apply
When to contact a doctor Your acne is severe (for example, you have lots of redness around the pimples) or getting worse You develop scars as your acne clears up
Try not to squeeze, scratch, pick, or rub the pimples. It can lead to scarring and skin infections.