Warm Up Now that we have concluded our unit on the Civil War, In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, hypothesize and infer the meaning of the term reconstruction in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.
Reconstruction in the South Transportation systems, such as railroads were so broken down that even if farmers raised crops, they couldn’t transport them for sale. Plantations had been destroyed, and land values dropped. Confederate money was worthless. A number of key Southern towns or cities were either destroyed or severely damaged during the Civil War. These included Atlanta; Charleston; Richmond; and Columbia, South Carolina.
Reminders Please be advised that Kickboard will continue to be used on a daily basis to document behaviors both positive and negative.
Objective- SWBAT understand how Lincoln’s assassination effected the United States.
Video Based on the video, please record- 3 facts 2 opinions 1 further question you may have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qAeFjCscRY
Reconstruction Events took a dramatic turn on the night of April 14, 1865. As the president enjoyed a play at Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C. Actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the head. Hours later, Lincoln died.
After President Lincoln’s death on April 15, 1865, his body lay in state in the White House. Following a funeral procession in the streets of Washington and a public viewing at the Capitol, Lincoln’s coffin was placed in a nine-car funeral train. This specially commissioned train left the nation’s capital on April 21, for the 1,700-mile trip to Lincoln’s hometown of Springfield, Illinois.
The train traveled through seven states, stopping at major cities so that people could pay their last respects to the president. An estimated 30 million mourners lined the tracks along the route, even in the middle of the night and in the rain.
Pictured is the funeral car that carried Lincoln’s coffin Pictured is the funeral car that carried Lincoln’s coffin. Also onboard the train were hundreds of mourners and an Honor Guard of veteran soldiers and high-ranking officers.
On May 3, the funeral train arrived in Springfield, Illinois On May 3, the funeral train arrived in Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln’s coffin was placed inside this magnificent hearse and was carried to the Springfield cemetery. There were 75,000 people in Lincoln’s hometown alone who attended the viewing.
Guided Practice As a class, we will read a passage titled, “Johnsons Reconstruction Plan” (Page 497) and answer the following questions: What is the main idea of this passage? What are two details supporting the main idea? What was the significance of the 13th Amendment? How many states were ready to rejoin the union by the end of 1865? Why is this an important step during Reconstruction?
Independent Practice In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, infer how Lincoln’s death affected the nation as a whole. Be sure to explain how Lincoln’s assassination affected the debate over reconstruction.
Group Work Each group will be assigned a portion of the diagram. Write a short summary of the reconstruction plan of the person or group you have been assigned.
Closure Summarize todays lesson in your notes in a 4-6 sentence paragraph. Include a main idea and two supporting details.
Homework Complete reading and comprehension questions.