How to Organize your Binder 8th Grade ELA
Divider #1 Warm-Ups You will keep track of your daily warm-up responses in this section.
Classwork and Homework Divider #2 Classwork and Homework You will keep assignments that you are working on in class and at home in this section.
Divider #3 Notes You will keep notes that you need to use throughout the year in this section.
Divider #4 Writing You will keep writing resource materials and longer writing assignments in this section.
Graded Papers Divider #5 You will keep assignments that have been graded and you may need later in this section.
Notebook Paper Divider #6 You will keep a supply of clean notebook paper in this section.
Cover Sheet On the cover sheet provided for you, write…. Your Name ELA Your Class Number Color in the cover sheet. Fasten the cover sheet to the front of your binder.