Candide by Voltaire “Freedom of Speech” and “Freedom of Consciousness” Satire - the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices. Virtue of military service Kings and warfare Christian piety Philosophy of “best of all possible worlds”
Tudor Family Henry VIII 1491-1547 (Reign, 1509-1547) Most significant action – “Act of Supremacy”
Tudor Family Queen Elizabeth I 1533-1603 (Reign, 1558-1603) Ruled for 44 years: Economic growth Spanish Armada (1588) Cultural growth, “Shakespeare” & “Christopher Marlowe” (Globe Theater)
Stuart Family Mary, Queen of Scots Forced to abdicate throne of Scotland in 1567 and executed for treason in 1587. Staunchly Catholic!! Her son, James VI (of Scotland) became
James I of England 1567-1625 (King of Scotland) 1603-1625 (King of England) “King James Bible” (1611) Disagreed w/ Parliament … Taxes Divine Right Foreign Policy
Divine Right (Absolute Authority) vs Divine Right (Absolute Authority) vs. Limitations of Government Authority Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor Philip II of Spain Louis XIV Peter the Great Catherine the Great Thomas Hobbes & “Social Contract” John Locke & “Natural Rights” VS
Charles I of England 1625-1649 (King of England) Forced to sign “Petition of Rights” (1628) Protections … “Long Parliament”
English Civil War, 1642 -1651 Cavaliers … Roundheads … Oliver Cromwell … Battle of Marston Moor (1644) … Battle of Naseby (1645) … “Lord Protector” basically a dictator (1653)
English Civil War Problems fighting the war? “English Civil War - The Conflict that changed England forever”
Execution of Charles I (1649) - Jan. 30, 1649
“Glorious Revolution” (1688) Bloodless revolution English Bill of Rights (1689) Parliament will have supreme authority Limits powers of monarchy Elections Freedom of speech Right to “bear arms”