RSM Senior Beta Club October 25, 2016
Membership Need to make sure all dues are collected New members $30 Returning $15 Induction Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 7pm Service credit for returning members who assist All officers needed New members should be present Please no jeans, t-shirts (if you need help with this, please ask!) NOTE: Please get a folder for Beta Club to keep handouts in. We need to keep costs low by not reprinting frequently. Schoology group access code: 5DVZ5-BXKQC
Service Projects State Service Project: Shriners Hospital in Greenville $ earning project for a donation? Items (see list) What do you want to do? Other National suggestions MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) St. Jude What else do you want to do as a club? Local needs (Request for tutoring help T/TH) Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child The school and the community should know who we are. They should know we are service-minded and call on us when there is a service need.
Fundraising Fundraising Ideas Tumblers are still available. $20 each McDonalds cards Catalog sales Wrapping paper Other Tumblers are still available. $20 each Sell 3 to pay for your next $25 payment! Sell 12 to pay for all of convention (if $25 deposit is paid)
State Convention February 10-12 (Friday-Sunday) Deposits are past due. Reservations and room assignments will be made Friday. All paid for will have a room assigned. $125 total Videos Convention Living Literature NOTE: National Convention Dates: June 29-July 2, would need to leave on the 28th