Halliburton Engineering Global Programs Howdy! We prepared a presentation to share with you today because besides sharing the opportunities for global programs for the new academic year, we wanted to also present to you today some of the thinking we have been doing to justify our efforts and even your efforts with global programs. Why should we tell students to study abroad? Maria Alves Ocotber 2017
Importance of Global Experience for Engineers Global Competency Development Opportunities for Global Experience at TAMU Howdy! Thank you for having me today. I was invited to talk to you about the opportunities for our engineering students to study abroad. However, before I do that I would like to start with why participating in a study abroad program and developing your global competency skills is important. After that I will present the Engineering International Programs Office and the various opportunities for you all to study abroad and I will conclude with how you can get the Engineering International Certificate.
Today’s economy is global and interconnected Our students need to be ready to perform in this global economy Today’s Economy is Global. I would like to share this short video, which is a commercial, has a nice message. As you can see having global competency, can save you from some complicated situations… interconnected
Importance of Global Competency Today 80% of the companies believe their overall business would increase if their staff had more international expertise An appreciation for cross-cultural differences is the most important international skill sought by companies http://globalsupport.tamu.edu/Footer-Links/Resources-Center/Global-Publication/2014-US-Business- Needs-for-Employees-with-Internat.aspx The National Academy of Engineering states that a core need for engineers is to be able to work with a diverse, multinational, multidisciplinary workforce Engineers need to have a global mindset and be prepared for the global job market (Chan & Fishbein, 2009) This statement is being done based on the literature and feed back from companies
ABET Learning Outcomes for engineering students An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility An ability to communicate effectively The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning A knowledge of contemporary issues An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Knowing Other Cultures Knowing about different cultures can not only save you from difficult situations… funny But it can also help you perform your job and work more effectively…. In the work environment Power distance: high or low Communication styles: direct x interact Individualistic x collectivist How knowing other cultures can help you… Knowing about different cultures can save you from difficult situations… But also help you perform your job better How to identify those differences and how to use them?
Culture Matter for Engineers Global Leaders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgbU7pP5QRc Yes/No https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrSDRA3zMdo
Importance of Global Experience for Engineers Global Competency Development Opportunities for Global Experience at TAMU Howdy! Thank you for having me today. I was invited to talk to you about the opportunities for our engineering students to study abroad. However, before I do that I would like to start with why participating in a study abroad program and developing your global competency skills is important. After that I will present the Engineering International Programs Office and the various opportunities for you all to study abroad and I will conclude with how you can get the Engineering International Certificate.
Intercultural sensitivity is not some innate characteristic, but a learned ability (Bennett, 1986, p3) Understanding Cultural Differences Cognitive Knowing one’s own Identity Intrapersonal Effective and respectful Social Interaction Interpersonal Intercultural Maturity There are 3 domains in global competency or intercultural maturity, a terminology also used. Cognitive: Understanding cultural difference. Here it is important to be able to identify cultural difference beyond the superficial characteristics such as language and food. But to understand how people think. How they react to authority, or how they communicate Intrapersonal: Knowing your own identity and values Interpersonal: Use the cognitive knowledge and the knowledge of self to interact effectively Patricia M. King, Baxter Magolda, Marcia B (2005)
Patricia M. King, Baxter Magolda, Marcia B (2005)
How To Develop a Global Mindset? Culture: is the total sum of the learned behavior of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation Identifying Cultural Differences Different cultural groups think, feel, and act differently There are no scientific standards for considering one group as intrinsically superior or inferior to another Facts x Interpretation: We interpret facts based on our cultural values and background How do we get prepared to be a global engineer? First we need to understand what is culture, and understand our own culture. There are many definitions of culture. One definition is that… We need to understand the different between facts and interpretation… And we need to know there is not one culture that is better than the other. Just different.
Story Time… A little exercise
http://geert-hofstede.com/countries.html Let’s Compare: Individualism US UK F G R, I, S J ME, M,A C, SEA Individualist Collectivist One famous researcher in this area is Geert Hofstede. He used to work for IBM and they did a survey with IBM employees all over the world. In reading over the results he realized there were some country norms, and created county comparison framework Exersice
Besides self-awareness This exercise demonstrates that
In this Global World we need… to be respectful and culturally sensible It is important to be aware of the larger societal norms HOWEVER it is even more important not to generalize all of the individuals of that culture
How can you prepare to work with someone from a foreign country? Identify and respect cultural differences Know yourself Look at how your own cultural values drive behavior and compare that to other cultures Adjust your actions to be more effective in working together Each of you will be learning what it is like to work with someone from a foreign country. Fitting into the world around us can be a difficult. We think we are so globalized that we are becoming more and more alike. But that is not always true because when it comes to communicating efficiently and effectively, time related matters and the way we work, we find that there are still differences after all. However, If you want to learn to succeed working across cultures– there are some solutions. First, understand we must ourselves, how do we behave, how we judge the behavior of others and how our behavior might be judged by others. Then, find out how your cultural values bahaviors differ from those around you and how those value differences drive the behavior you see that cause mis-understandings. I think it is safe to say that even communicating with someone from your own country you are likely to have a misunderstanding with someone due to cultural differences. Lastly, we can actually learn a skill set and apply those skills to improve our understanding across cultures. It is important for you to know that no one expects you to give up or change your values – those things that you believe are rights and good, but simply to adapt the way you interact with others to insure successful relationships and communication. It is important for you to know that no one expects you to give up or change your values
Intercultural Sensitivity Another important researcher in this area was Bennett, he developed a scale for intercultural sensitivity. This model was used in the development of the Intercultural sensitivity framework. What I found out with my research is that understanding where you fall on this scale is crucial in developing your global competency and interacting effectively with people different from you. You need the maturity to accept what you know and don’t know and approach the situation with humility understanding you may not always have the best solution (Bennett, 1993) About each phase: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vKRFH2Wm6Y
Importance of Global Experience for Engineers Global Competency Development Opportunities for Global Experience at TAMU Howdy! Thank you for having me today. I was invited to talk to you about the opportunities for our engineering students to study abroad. However, before I do that I would like to start with why participating in a study abroad program and developing your global competency skills is important. After that I will present the Engineering International Programs Office and the various opportunities for you all to study abroad and I will conclude with how you can get the Engineering International Certificate.
Preparing our Engineers for the Global Job Market Faculty Led Winter-break Tuition/Fees Spring Summer May-mester; Summer I, Summer II Tuition/Fees Fall August-Mester Field Trip 1-2 weeks trip that is part of a Spring course Global Capstone Projects Semester Long Reciprocal Exchange with partners Direct Enrollment Internship Company Internship Research Internship Global Programs on Campus ENGR410 – Global Engineering Design Raising your Cultural IQ workshop Engineering Living Learning Community for freshman
2017/2018 Study Abroad Program Locations Texas A&M in the public university that has the largest number of students studying abroad. http://engineering.tamu.edu/global/studyabroad
Beyond Study Abroad and Traveling Based on my experience, most of the students who return from a study abroad experience say it was a life changing experience HOWEVER when they talk to potential employers about this experience, they refer to the superficial “touristy” activities they did while abroad In contrast, after the Global Engineering Design class, students talked about this experience in a less “life changing” manner however, they were able to talk about what they learned and what they will bring to the work environment from this experience Linking the global experience to their personal and professional activities As demonstrated in the video at the beginning of the class, as we participate in this global programs, we need to be aware of the opportunity to develop our global competency and how we can bring that experience into our lives.
Maria Alves Director, Halliburton Engineering Global Programs malves@tamu.edu