Warm Up: Anthem Vocabulary Monday Transgression (noun) (Part One): violation of a law or command The laws say that none among men may be alone, ever and at any time, for this is the great transgression and the root of all evil. 2. Atone (verb) (Part One): to make up for (make amends for) a crime or offense We knew we had been guilty, but now we had a way to atone for it.
Monday, 25 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will review and/or learn academic vocabulary key to Unity and Focus in literature.
FYI Monday You must have your copy of Anthem in class every day beginning tomorrow. Tomorrow’s Spirit Theme is: Freak out the Falcons--- Dress like a ROCKSTAR! You must have your Dystopian novel purchased by Monday, October 2nd!!!
Team Points Week 2 373 433 Night’s Watch House Stark 471 429 House Lannister House Targaryen House Stark 373 433 471 429
Academic Vocabulary Get a sheet of white paper. Monday Get a sheet of white paper. Fold it according to teacher’s directions. Create a foldable windowpane to review and/or learn academic vocabulary for Unity and Focus in literature. Each square will include: Term Definition Icon or image that represents the term or its idea
Collectivism Monday A philosophy in which the group (society) is more important than the individual; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
Individualism Monday A philosophy in which the individual is more important than the group (society); the human individual is of primary importance
Objectivism Monday A philosophy based upon the idea that there is no greater moral goal than to pursue your own happiness
Expository Genre Monday Non-fiction writing that explains, informs, or persuades
Narrative Genre Monday A story or account of events or experiences; may be fiction or non-fiction
Theme Monday A universal idea stated in one or two words that is evident in a piece of art (literature, music, painting, etc.)
Thematic Statement Monday A sentence in which the theme of a piece of art (literature, music, painting, etc.) is expressed as a truism that extends beyond that particular piece
Dynamic Character A character that undergoes change(s) in a story Monday A character that undergoes change(s) in a story
Static Character Monday A character that stays basically the same throughout a story
Author’s Purpose Monday The reason(s) behind an author’s choices within a piece of writing; may refer to the primary reason a text was written or to reasons behind word choice, plot, structure, etc.
Closure: Compare/Contrast Monday Tape your windowpane into your RWN. Look back at your notes for collectivism, individualism, and objectivism. Write 2-3 sentences explaining how the three philosophies are similar and different.
Warm Up: Anthem Vocabulary Tuesday Toil (verb) (Part One): work hard without stopping The plays are about toil and how good it is. Fathom (verb) (Part Five): to understand But tonight, for a reason we cannot fathom we wish it were possible to us to know the likeness of our own person.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will read and analyze literature--- Anthem, Part One
FYI Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Tuesday Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Tomorrow’s Spirit Theme is: Conquer the Village--- CHARACTER DAY!!! You must have your Dystopian novel purchased by Monday, October 2nd!!!
Review vocabulary from yesterday Transgression Atone
The notes are something to point out and quickly discuss---no need to write them down!!
The notes are something to point out and quickly discuss---no need to write them down!!
Annotate page 1 together. Annotate with purpose – Focus on the transgressions – Key Rand themes – collectivism, individualism, objectivism.
Anthem: Part One -- through p. 37. Tuesday Anthem: Part One -- through p. 37. Read – Annotate with a purpose – (What are the transgressions and why does the writer choose to call them transgressions? Annotate for thematic ideas – collectivism, individualism and objectivism) Answer bookmark questions ---due at the beginning of class tomorrow! Finish for HW if necessary
Closure: Top 5 Go to a clean line in your RWN. Tuesday Go to a clean line in your RWN. Authors have to make MANY choices as they write. Write down 5 decisions you think an author might have to make as he or she writes a piece of literature.
Warm Up: Anthem Vocabulary Wednesday Wretch (noun) (Part Seven): one who is unhappy, unfortunate, or despicable …we have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy! Whim (noun) (Part Seven): a sudden desire or change of mind, particularly one that is unusual or unexpected Therefore it cannot be destroyed by the whim of one.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will read and analyze literature--- Anthem, Part Two
FYI Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Wednesday Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Tomorrow’s Spirit Theme is: You Snooze---You Lose! PAJAMA DAY!! (Be sure jammies are school appropriate!!!) You must have your Dystopian novel purchased by Monday, October 2nd!!!
Part One: Sin Chart Discuss Part One text and bookmark questions then complete the chart and journal response below per teacher directions in your RWN. Sin or Transgression Why is it forbidden? What is the consequence? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why do you think the author refers to these actions as sins? What is the purpose of using this term? What feeling or attitude is created in the reader by the use of the word sin? Write your response in your RWN.
Anthem: Part Two Read Answer bookmark questions Wednesday Read Answer bookmark questions Finish for HW if necessary
Closure: $2.00 Summary Wednesday Open your journal and go to the next line. Imagine each word is worth ten cents & write a $2.00 (twenty word summary) of the novel so far.
Warm Up: Anthem Vocabulary Thursday Reverence (noun) (Part Ten): deep respect for someone or something And yet it stirs no fear within our heart, but only silent reverence and pity. Vindicate (verb) (Part Eleven): show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified And my happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it.
Thursday, 28 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will read and analyze literature--- Anthem, Parts Three through Five
FYI Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Thursday Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Tomorrow’s Spirit Theme is: Mum Day! Wear your mum and a Cy Woods Spirit Shirt!!! You must have your Dystopian novel purchased by Monday, October 2nd!!!
Part Two: Collectivism v Part Two: Collectivism v. Individualism Discuss text and bookmark questions then complete the following activity. Throughout the novel, Rand uses plural nouns and pronouns to highlight the idea of collectivism. Turn to paragraph 5 in part 2 (“And the following day…). Rewrite the paragraph using singular, personal pronouns and nouns then compare the new paragraph with the original. How are the meanings similar? How does the change from collective to singular change the tone and impact of the text? Write your response beneath the rewritten paragraph in your RWN.
Anthem: Parts Three-Five Thursday Read Answer bookmark questions FB game tonight---no homework!
Closure: Journal Thursday Select one of the characters in the novel and explain why Rand most likely gave a specific name to that character.
Warm Up: Anthem Vocabulary Friday Covet (verb) (Part Eleven): deep desire to have or possess something I covet no man’s soul, nor is my soul theirs to covet. Depraved (adjective) (Part Eleven): morally corrupt or wicked It is the word by which the depraved steal the virtue of the good.
Friday, 29 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will read and analyze literature--- Anthem, Parts Six and Seven.
FYI Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! Friday Bring your copy of Anthem to class every day! You must have your Dystopian novel purchased by Monday, October 2nd!!! You do have homework this weekend: All reading and bookmark questions THROUGH PART 7 must be complete when you arrive in class Monday!!!
Parts Three, Four, and Five: Choices Discuss text and bookmark questions then complete the following activity. The choices we make alter the path our lives will take. Reflect on parts 3, 4, and 5. What do you think is the most significant choice Equality 7-2521 makes? Why is this choice an important one? What is the initial impact of this choice, and what might be a long- term affect? Write your answers in a well- constructed paragraph in your RWN.
Anthem: Finish Parts Three, Four, and Five (if necessary) Friday Finish Parts Three, Four, and Five (if necessary) Read Parts Six and Seven Answer bookmark questions Finish for homework, if necessary
Closure: 3-2-1 3: Identify three key characters from the novel Friday Go to a clean line in your journal and complete the following: 3: Identify three key characters from the novel 2: What are two things these three characters have in common? 1: What is the most significant difference between the three characters?