African Animals Africa Facts Zimbabwe African Geography 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
What are groups of African Prides What are groups of African lions called?
Zimbabwe is a country in Africa. What part of Africa is it located? Southern part of Africa Zimbabwe is a country in Africa. What part of Africa is it located? (North, South, East, or West)
What is the smallest country in Seychelles What is the smallest country in Africa?
There is a beautiful woven cloth that originated in Africa. Kente cloth There is a beautiful woven cloth that originated in Africa. What is this cloth called?
Animal with the longest neck... Giraffe (Type the question for 2,1 here.)? Animal with the longest neck...
Only 1 percent of this country is water. True True or False: Only 1 percent of this country is water.
How many countries does 54 How many countries does Africa have?
What is a famous African food? Fufu What is a famous African food?
What is Africa's largest living The Nile Crocodile What is Africa's largest living reptile?
Zimbabwe was established in False. It was established in 1902. True or False: Zimbabwe was established in 1913.
Where is Mt. Kilimanjaro located? Tanzania Where is Mt. Kilimanjaro located?
Africa is the world's second-most True True or False: Africa is the world's second-most populous continent.
What is another name for Gnu What is another name for the wildebeest?
Who is the president of this C. Robert Mugawe Who is the president of this Country? A. Morgan Tsvangirai B. Arthur Mutambara C. Robert Mugawe
What is Africa's largest lake? Lake Victoria What is Africa's largest lake?
How many colors are on the Six. Red, blue, white, yellow, black, and green. How many colors are on the African flag?
The largest frog in the world is in Cameroon, Africa. 1 foot The largest frog in the world is in Cameroon, Africa. How long can this frog get to be?
Which of the following is the capital of Zimbabwe? Harare Cape Town Nkomo Accra
Name the capitals of Africa. Cape Town, Bloemfontein, and Pretoria Name the capitals of Africa.
What is the average rainfall B. 10-20 inches What is the average rainfall in Africa? (per year) A. 0-5 inches B. 10-20 inches C. 30-40 inches