“Church Purity in a Polluted Culture” “Don’t Waste Your Singleness” 1 Corinthians “Church Purity in a Polluted Culture” Part 11 - 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 “Don’t Waste Your Singleness”
EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians Introduction Paul doesn’t just say “be holy” and then leave the Corinthian believers to figure it out. No, he explains practically how they are to live! EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians
“Church Purity in a Polluted Culture” “Don’t Waste Your Singleness” 1 Corinthians “Church Purity in a Polluted Culture” Part 11 - 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 “Don’t Waste Your Singleness”
Paul’s Charge: BE CONTENT (7:25-28)
BE CONTENT (7:25-28)
EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians BE CONTENT (7:25-28) God calls every one of us to singleness… at least for a season. EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians
Paul’s Charge: BE UNDIVIDED (7:29-35)
If you are consumed with romance, you will waste your singleness. BE UNDIVIDED (7:29-35) If you are consumed with romance, you will waste your singleness. EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians
EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians BE UNDIVIDED (7:29-35) Whether we are single or married, an undivided heart is what we strive for. EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians
BE SELF-CONTROLLED (7:36-40) Paul’s Charge: BE SELF-CONTROLLED (7:36-40)
5 questions when considering marriage: BE SELF-CONTROLLED (7:36-40) 5 questions when considering marriage: What is my gift from God? Am I marrying a believer? Are the circumstances such that marriage is right? How will marriage affect my service for Christ? Am I persuaded to enter this union for life? EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians
EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians CONCLUSION Singleness and Marriage are both gifts given to us by God. However, they are not strictly for our enjoyment (as if we were the center of the universe), but for God’s glory! EBFC Semon Series: 1 Corinthians
“Church Purity in a Polluted Culture” “Don’t Waste Your Singleness” 1 Corinthians “Church Purity in a Polluted Culture” Part 11 - 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 “Don’t Waste Your Singleness”