20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Page 1 Once upon a time Captain Nemo was standing by the Missouri river when Lewis, Clark and Dr. Cook asked him “Why are you standing by the river?” “I will show you.” said Captain Nemo. Right then he pressed a button on his remote control he had and up popped a huge submarine!
Page 2 They all get in. Then the submarine submerges. They can see all kinds of fish like trout, catfish, bass, and bluegills. Then Lewis and Clark say, “ Very interesting contraption,” said Lewis. “Quite magnifisent if you ask me.” said Clark. “ It’s one darn good invention,” said Dr. Cook.
“Thank you all. "said Captain Nemo.Right then a giant catfish attacked! “I have to prepare the torpedo's.” said Captain Nemo. “When I say fire all you guys do is press these two buttons ok?” said Captain Nemo. “ok.” said everybody. “1,2,3, fire!” said Captain Nemo. They all pressed the two buttons. One missed but one didn’t. It hit the catfish right in the eye. And he swam away. “Some adventure.” said Lewis.
“Indeed it was. ” said Clark. “Pretty fun if you ask me. ” said Cook “Indeed it was.” said Clark. “Pretty fun if you ask me.” said Cook. As they all return to the surface.