Safeguarding from FGM: A Shared Responsibility


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Presentation transcript:

Safeguarding from FGM: A Shared Responsibility Rita Buhanda FGM Case Worker & Trainer

Newham One Stop Shop: Domestic & Sexual Violence Casework Service (Aanchal and Nia) Exiting Sex Work Service (Open Doors) Female Genital Mutilation Service (Manor Gardens) Referrals should be emailed to The One Stop Shop service can be reached on 0845 451 2547 or 020 3384 9412 (office hours). Advice and support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

FGM Service: What we provide Casework and advocacy support for women who are affected by FGM (drop-ins). Tailored training to relevant services, including, health visitors, GPs, education and children’s services. Support and resources for professionals. Recruitment and training of volunteer FGM Community Champions. Community awareness raising workshops and events on FGM. FGM Steering Group.

FGM Training -What we offer Tailored training to meet individual organisation’s needs. Learning outcomes include: Better understanding of FGM and the socio- cultural context. Greater insight into identifying girls at risk and the complications. Increased knowledge of the UK Laws around FGM and safeguarding procedures. Current best practice of safeguarding girls at risk and supporting women affected. Case studies

FGM Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Physical Abuse Neglect

FGM prevalence in Newham The 2015 study by City University and Equality Now estimates that there are 4761 girls and women with FGM living in Newham, 245 of them between the ages of 0-14. The same study also estimates that there are 13,328 women in the borough who were born in FGM practicing countries. For the period April 2015 – March 2016, the HSCIC’s FGM data set had 85 cases recorded by healthcare providers in the London Borough of Newham.

Risk factors: A girl born to a mother who has already undergone FGM. A girl born to a father who comes from an affected community (mother may not be). A sibling or other female family member has had FGM. Come from a country of high prevalence A family elder is around, visiting from country of origin. A girl may confide she is to have a “special procedure” Parents state they will take the child out of the country for a prolonged period.

Indicators that FGM has taken place: Difficulty walking, sitting or standing. Spending more time than normal in the bathroom or toilet due to difficulties urinating. Spending long periods away from a classroom during the day with bladder or menstrual problems. Frequent urinary or menstrual problems. Prolonged or repeated absences from school. Reluctant or refusal to participate in PE. A girl may confide in a friend or professional Change in behaviour – withdrawn or mood changes.

Reasons why children will not report FGM. Not wrong Religious obligation Believed? Embarrassment Swear to secrecy Consequences? Parents finding out community backlash “it was nobody else’s business” “didn’t think it was serious or wrong” “didn’t want parents to find out” “didn’t want friends to find out” “didn’t want the authorities to find out” “was frightened” “didn’t think would be believed” “had been threatened by abuser” Source: Child Maltreatment in the UK Cawson (2000) May not be listened to May not be believed Fear of consequences Lack of control Embarrassment Unable to communicate the abuse Not knowing who to tell Previous/current experience of racism Adults not sympathetic Understanding or recognising abuse Adults might tell someone else Believe it is their own fault Culture

Difficulties identifying who is at risk FGM is a taboo and a hidden crime and very hard to identify who is or may be at risk. Girls at risk may not be known to professionals as no other concerns with the family. Girls may be put under pressure not to talk about it. Medical history may not be available to professionals – may not be aware that a family member has undergone FGM. Fear amongst victims to disclose – afraid of consequences for themselves and their families. Most work hard and do well at school, nursery or out of school setting

Everyone’s responsibility! Safeguarding… Children Social Services Information sharing Parents Mental Health services Everyone’s responsibility! Forster carer Safeguarding GP’s Midwife Health Visitor Extended family conduct; safe practice for the safety of children & young people and professionals curriculum; providing age appropriate opportunities for children & YP to learn about keeping safe managing allegations against staff; WT - all orgs must have clear policies in line with LSCB building design; including access and egress policies, Health & safety etc safe recruitment and selection; legislation introduced following the Soham tragedy, DBS, training available whistle blowing; to raise concerns about serious malpractice health and safety; a safe environment, risk assessment behaviour management; having clear strategies and consistent responses for managing behaviour attendance; Children not on school role or who have gone missing should be known to CME (Children Missing Education). Mention Young Carers anti-bullying policies; help to promote positive behaviour in staff and children and young people Mobile phone/Camera EYFS says providers must have policy to cover use in setting Whistle Blowing Faith leader school Community organisations Neighbour 11

Thank you Rita Buhanda Email: Tel: 0203 3849413