Writing Policies and Procedures and Training Staff Stacey Rosenberger, MPH Emergency Planner Santa Barbara County Public Health Department
Hospital Policy
Skilled Nursing Facility Policy
Addresses Active Shooter Outside the Building vs. Inside the Building
Active Shooter Policies General response actions for staff Specific response roles for security, administration, others Communication Lockdown procedures What to do when law arrives How to account for staff How do you give the All Clear
General staff response procedures: -Run, Hide, Fight -Get Out, Hide Out, Keep Out -ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)
Specific Response for security, administration, others
Communication Do you use an overhead paging system to communicate with staff? How do you communicate with staff in the field or off shift? How do you communicate with patients/visitors? When do you call 911 and who calls 911?
Additional Considerations for your Policy Frequency of training/exercises should be defined in policy Patient care during and following an active shooter event Recovery
Writing Your Policy/Procedure Don’t reinvent the wheel Every template/sample is not perfect Pick an choose from sample/templates to fit your organization Your training needs to be based on your polices
Sample Trainings Develop training from policy How often do you train? Many different types of trainings Provide a range of options and choices- online, in person, small groups in work area Accept Assess Act Alert
4 Steps in Your Training Plan Training & Tabletop of Procedures Physical Walk Through Drills Feedback