Two –Step Equations Pre-Algebra Mrs. Yow
What can you accomplish in two-steps???
We can solve equations like this……. HOW????
Steps: Using the inverse operation, get rid of the + or – Using the inverse operation, get rid of the x or
In other words….. Isolate the variable TERM Isolate the VARIABLE
Let’s work a few! 1. Undo adding/subtracting 2. Undo mult/division
Let’s work a few! 1. Undo mult/division 2. Undo add/subtraction
Let’s work a few! 1. Undo adding/subtracting 2. Undo mult/division
Let’s work a few! 1. Undo adding/subtracting 2. Undo mult/division
Let’s work a few! 1. Undo adding/subtracting 2. Undo mult/division