Panama Canal The scramble Spanish-American War The Pacific Spoils of War Foreign Policy 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
The policy of a powerful country seeking to control the economic and political affairs of weaker countries A 200
The majority of imperial powers came to this part of the world
The major cause for imperialism was the desire get more of this
Imperializing countries would sell these to Africa and Asia
Without this a nation had no chance in imperializing foreign nations
This isolationist country was the first opened up to trade by the US in 1853 B 200
The American public claimed that his purchase of Alaska $7.2 Million From Russia was a “Folly” Because of the barren icy mountain and Frozen fish B 400
These chain of islands in the South Pacific proved to be a strategic naval base and commercial port
A group of US planters was responsible for ending this monarch’s reign.
John Hay sent a letter to European countries regarding trade in China that would free the spheres of influence to the US B 1000
This colony’s revolt was partially responsible for sparking the war
This type of sensationalized news story lead to the outbreak of war C 400
The sinking of this ship was blamed for the start of the war C 600
TR’s old buddies from the west who helped win the Battle of San Juan Hill C 800
He annihilated the Spanish Pacific Fleet
The US gained this island in the Caribbean Sea after the war
The US gave Spain $20 million for this island
This country gained its independence after the war
This allowed the US to intervene in Cuban affairs and granted them a naval base in Guantanamo Bay
A nation whose independence is limited by the control of a more powerful country
TR wanted to build this in Columbia
This was a reissue of the Monroe Doctrine that gave the US the right to intervene in Latin American affairs to preserve law and order E 400
Taft wanted to utilize economics to dictate foreign policy
This meant that words should be supported by strong action
TR wanted a canal to help strengthen these
TR sent Secretary Hay to this country with the offer of $10 million cash and $250,000 in yearly rent for the right to build a canal F 200
After rejecting TR’s offer, he helped support this with hope of gaining his canal
This was the major obstacle affecting the completion of the Panama Canal
Workers on the canal were asked to spot pools of water to get rid of this
After the Canal was completed the US was finally ready to be called this F 1000
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imperialism A 200
Africa & Asia A 400
Raw Materials A 600
Finished Products A 800
Strong Navy A 1000
Japan B 200
Seward B 400
Samoa B 600
Liliuokalani B 800
Open Door Policy B 1000
Cuba C 200
Yellow Journalism C 400
USS Maine C 600
Rough Riders C 800
Commodore Dewey C 1000
Puerto Rico D 200
Philippines D 400
Cuba D 600
Platt Amendment D 800
Protectorate D 1000
Canal E 200
Roosevelt Corollary E 400
Dollar Diplomacy E 600
Big Stick Policy E 800
Defense/Economic gain
Colombia F 200
Panamanian Revolution F 400
Yellow Fever and Malaria
Mosquitos F 800
An empire F 1000
E 500