Georgia Jeopardy Royal Colony To play the game, go to the next slide and click on an point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.
Royal Governors Lifestyles Economic Life Immigrants Government In Royal Georgia Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Final Wrap-Up Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Wager Wager Wager board
Who chose Georgia’s royal governors?
The king board score
Who was Georgia’s first royal governor?
John Reynolds board score
What royal governor improved fortifications and secured pledges of friendship with the Indians?
Henry Ellis board score
Who was the royal governor during the American Revolution?
James Wright board score
Which royal governor was recalled by Parliament because of ineffective leadership?
John Reynolds board score
What was the state-supported church in Georgia?
Church of England board score
On what types of plantations were slaves brought to Georgia to work?
Rice and Indigo board score
What war threatened native and Spanish attacks on Georgia?
The French and Indian War board score
Where did Governor Reynolds meet with natives to work out a treaty for the natives to cede land to the colony?
Augusta board score
How were children of most planters educated?
By tutors, but many times boys were sent overseas for their education. board score
What was the main food crop grown in Georgia during the royal period?
Corn board score
What are naval stores?
Products which were used by the royal navy—like tar, pitch, and turpentine board score
What was Georgia’s main cash crop?
Tobacco board score
What system made grants of land according to the size of the applicant’s household?
Headright System board score
On what type of plantations were slaves imported to work?
Rice and indigo plantations board score
What group of immigrants settled below Savannah in St. John’s Parish?
Puritans board score
What group settled Wrightsboro in St. Paul’s Parish?
Quakers board score
What group of immigrants were recruited to settle in Queensborough?
Scots-Irish board score
What name was given to an “illiterate” group of immigrants from the backcountry?
Crackers board score
What group of immigrants were brought to Georgia against their will?
Slaves board score
What type of legislature was created in Royal Georgia?
Bicameral board score
Who was appointed by the King and advised the governor and served as the upper chamber in the legislature?
Governor’s Council board score
What was the name of the lower chamber of the legislature?
Commons House of Assembly board score
What type of bills could only start in the Commons House of Assembly?
Bills that pertained to money board score
Who could vote in Royal Georgia?
Free white men that owned at least 50 acres of land board score
What is a name for “citizen-soldiers?”
Militia board score
What is the name for an “area that served as a government and religious district?”
Parish board score
What is a person called who “moves into a country to live?”
Immigrant board score
What is “the amount left after all costs, or expenses, are paid?”
Profit board score
What is the name given to “an organized religious group?”
Denomination board score
Make your wager on the scoreboard Final Wrap-Up Make your wager on the scoreboard Final Question score
What were three ways by which settlers could acquire land in Georgia during the royal period?
Receive it as a gift/inheritance Buy it Receive it as a gift/inheritance Receive it as a grant from the colonial government board score