AY = May(en anglais) Uh = Dull (en anglais) Eh = set (en anglais) Les Voyelles - E AY = May(en anglais) Uh = Dull (en anglais) Eh = set (en anglais)
Collins - Easy Learning French Pronunciation Track 10(cd) Le Premier Son French E has three pronunciations AY en anglais To make the sound is forwarded and slightly higher than halfway up. Lips are wide(though not as wide as for [i]. Muscles around the mouth are quite tense. It is a front vowel. Collins - Easy Learning French Pronunciation Track 10(cd) Collins- Easy Learning French Pronunciation
Le son – E É ay May EZ ay May ER ay May AI ay May Le E Anglais Mot Anglais Les mots Français É ay May EZ ay May ER ay May AI ay May Les cafés (ley kah-fay) = Coffee houses Le nez (luh nay) = Nose Parler(pahr-lay) = To speak J’ai (zhay)
Le Deuxième Son (E) comme le son uh en anglais(over) To make the sound: Tongue is resting flat in the mouth The sound is made in the middle of the mouth with lips relaxed in a neutral position very little effort is required for this sound.
Le Deuxième Son (E) It occurs in the following Short one syllable words: Le (the) (luh) Je (I) (zhuh) De (of) (duh) The is one that disappears in everyday speech d’main (tomorrow), p’tit(little), ch’mise(shirt) However, it isn’t dropped if there are 3 consonant sounds running together therefore is pronounced: AppaRTeMent (apartment) PaRLeRons (we shall talk) VenDReDi(Friday)
Le son – E E uh dull/over Eu uh dull/over Le E Anglais Mot Anglais Les mots Français E uh dull/over Eu uh dull/over Le petit (luh puh-tee) = little one La fleur (lah fluhr) (flower)
Le Troisième Son Comme le son eh en anglais set To make the sound: Tongue is forwarded and slightly lower than halfway up. Lips are slightly stretched (though not as wide as the sou sound. Muscles around the mouth are getting less tense. It is a front vowel.
Le son – E la mère (lah-mehr)= mother La Fenêtre(lah fuh-neh-truh) Le E Anglais Mot Anglais Les mots Français è eh set ê eh set ai eh set ei eh set et eh set ais eh set la mère (lah-mehr)= mother La Fenêtre(lah fuh-neh-truh) Clair (klehr) = bright La neige (lah nehzh) Le secret (luh suh-kreh) Je voudrais (zhuh vooh-dreh)