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Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 0000 Jo-Jo Sweet Lily Daphne
Which Theme is It? Human or Physical Five Themes Of Geography Map Skills More Map Skills Random Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Which theme describes a place’s point on the globe? $100 Which theme describes a place’s point on the globe?
? $100 Location Scores
Which theme is described by the mobility of people, goods, and ideas? $200 Which theme is described by the mobility of people, goods, and ideas?
Movement $200 Scores
$300 Which theme is an area with common features that set it apart from other areas?
$300 Region Scores
$400 Which theme tells us how people depend, modify, and adapt to the environment?
Human-Environment Interaction $400 Human-Environment Interaction Scores
Which theme is described by its physical and/or human characteristics? $500 Which theme is described by its physical and/or human characteristics?
$500 Place Scores
$100 People speak Thai in Thailand. Is this an example of physical or human characteristics?
$100 Human Scores
$200 Catholicism is the main religion in Peru; another legacy of the Spanish. Is this a physical or human characteristic?
$200 Human Scores
$300 The East European Plain covers much of Russia. Is this a physical or human characteristic?
$300 Physical Scores
Daily Double
$400 Venezuela has a dominant-party system dominated by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Is this a physical or human characteristic?
$400 Human Scores
$500 Vegetation in Georgia varies depending on the soil type, elevation, and moisture. Is this a human or physical characteristic?
$500 Physical Scores
$100 What do we call the imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator on a globe or map?
$100 latitude Scores
$200 What do we call imaginary lines that run north and south between the poles?
$200 longitude Scores
What part of a map tells you what the symbols on the map mean? $300 What part of a map tells you what the symbols on the map mean?
$300 Legend or key Scores
What kind of map shows features of the land? $400 What kind of map shows features of the land?
$400 A physical map Scores
$500 Which map shows how humans have divided the earth into countries and states?
$500 A political map Scores
Where should one look to know what the map is about? $100 Where should one look to know what the map is about?
$100 The title Scores
$200 The equator divides the Earth in half. Each half of the earth is called what?
$200 A hemisphere Scores
What is another name for lines of longitude? $300 What is another name for lines of longitude?
$300 meridians Scores
$400 What shows a person how much space on the map represents a given distance on the land?
$400 A scale Scores
$500 Describe the difference between relative location and absolute location.
$500 Absolute: a definite reference to locate a place on the globe (using latitude and longitude). Relative: describes a place with its connection to other places (describing what it’s near). Scores
Fed Ex is busy delivering packages during the holidays. $100 Fed Ex is busy delivering packages during the holidays. Which one of the five themes would this fit under?
$100 Movement Scores
Which one of the five themes would this fit under? $200 In social studies, the students were asked to explain where how to get from HTMS to their house. Which one of the five themes would this fit under?
$200 location Scores
There is a new song trending on social media. $300 There is a new song trending on social media. Which one of the five themes would this fit under?
$300 movement Scores
Which one of the five themes would this fit under? $400 Your aunt and uncle got a deal on a Groupon and are traveling to South America. They are wandering what the customs are and the main language is? Which one of the five themes would this fit under?
$400 Place Scores
Which one of the five themes would this fit under? $500 They are clearing the woods by my house to make way for a Whole Foods to be built. Which one of the five themes would this fit under?
Human Environment Interaction $500 Human Environment Interaction Scores
Where is the Prime Meridian located? $100 Where is the Prime Meridian located?
Zero degrees longitude $100 Zero degrees longitude Scores
Where would I find the cardinal directions on a map? $200 Where would I find the cardinal directions on a map?
$200 The compass rose Scores
$300 The Artic Circle is a parallel of latitude that runs north or south of the equator?
$300 north Scores
Hint: it is opposite of the Artic circle. $400 What is the most southerly of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. Hint: it is opposite of the Artic circle.
$400 Antarctic Circle Scores
What region of the United States is Georgia found in? $500 What region of the United States is Georgia found in?
$500 Southeastern Scores
Final Jeopary Question Jeopardy Social Studies Final Jeopary Question Scores
What type of map am I? -I emphasize a single idea or a particular kind of information about an area
A special purpose map Scores