ASia Europe Physics Summit Physics towards Science Innovations


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Presentation transcript:

ASia Europe Physics Summit Physics towards Science Innovations Mitsuaki Nozaki (KEK) 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

Why ASEPS ? Physics research is fundamental and global so that international cooperation is essential, e.g. Big projects in particle physics, astrophysics and plasma physics Common facilities for material science, bio-science, information science and medical application Development of accelerator/detector/software technologies Commitment to global warming and sustainable energy Initiatives for physics education Bridge the digital gap Balance between 3 regions is a key to a successful cooperation Asia-Europe cooperation is not so active compared to Euro-Americas and Asia-Americas. 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

What is ASEPS ? A unique opportunity to communicate among different sectors; physicists, physical societies, funding agencies, policy makers, industries, etc Utilizing existing networks at each sector; scientific projects, ASIAHORCS, EUROHORCS, ASEM etc Goals of ASEPS To discuss scientific programs that could be shared between Asian and European countries/regions/institutions To discuss a framework that would help boosting the level of the Asia-Europe collaborations in physics 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

ASEPS Program Date : 2010 March 24-26 Location : Tsukuba International Congress Center Program outline Opening addresses, Concluding remarks Keynote addresses (Nobel laureates in physics) Invited talks, Panel discussion Poster session, Lab tour Reception/banquet Kick-off meeting in June/July to discuss the program in detail Support from CNRS, JSPS, KEK,… 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

ASEPS organization Participating institutions/organizations AAPPS, EPS, CNRS, JSPS, KEK JPS, JSAP, physical societies in every country EC To be informed Major physics institutions/universities Industry leaders Local Organizing Committee A. Takabe (Osaka/AAPPS), D. Perret-Gallix (CNRS/IN2P3), K. Ueda (UEC), M. Namiki (Takachiho), Y. Matsuo (RIKEN), H. Nagai (JPS), M. Nozaki (KEK), etc Secretariat : M. Noji, K. Ikeda (KEK),… 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

This Summit aims at strengthening the cooperation in physics research between European and Asian scientists, physics institutions and countries. A balanced partnership between Europe, Asia and America is a crucial aspect of any world-wide endeavor in the field of science and technology. The Summit will deal with programs addressing either issues in fundamental physics or physics research playing a significant role in other fields (i.e. biology, chemistry, earth, space sciences …). 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop

The purpose of the Summit will be   to discuss the common scientific interests of European and Asian countries in various research fields, including large scale infrastructures to formulate the conditions for a dedicated framework that would enhance Euro-Asia collaborations in physics for the next 15-20 years to involve developing countries in basic research and to suggest ways to bridge the knowledge/digital gap.   09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop 09.5.21 FJPPL Workshop