First Grade Newsletter Week of October 9nd Focus Skills Addition and Subtraction Strategies Text features Short vowel review Fire Safety Maps Weekly Words Word Wall words any part old call going Spelling Words map hit job fun beg Important Dates 10/19- field trip to Sease’s Farm- PLEASE RETURN PERMISSION SLIPS AND MONEY BY MONDAY OCTOBER 16 10/25-Early Release 10/26- Boo Bash 10/31-Report cards Homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Read for 10 minutes and complete Reading Log -Write word wall words 3 times each -Math worksheet -Read for 10 minutes and complete Reading Log -Write spelling words 3 times each --Read for 10 minutes and complete Reading Log -Write a sentence with each word wall word -Write a sentence with each spelling word -Math sheet -Study for word test Notes *We are beginning homework this week! *We will continue with homework each night. Please make sure your students are completing it. *Please sign the agenda and reading log each night **Practice reading word wall chart on the back every nightork.
Word Wall Words Ii Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr am any all and a at are ask be but come can call did down do for from Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll get go give good going he her help have how had has him is it in I if it’s into jump just like look little Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr me my make now not no new of out on over old play part run ride Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx see she said so saw to they this that the up very with were want will we what was went Yy Zz **Your child needs to be able to read each of these words quickly and locate on our word wall.** yes you