Pollution control methods of thermal power plants Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
Pollution control methods of thermal power plants Minimizing the discharge of toxic substances Uses- scrubbers, fabric filters and electrostatic precipitators Environment around thermal power plant depends on the following factors Fuel combustion process Type of fuel used Flue gas device used Dust collecting and gas cleaning Contaminants in waste water from the plant Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
Pollution control methods of thermal power plants Control of CO2 part of combustion process Control measures Cleanest fuel used High heat content, low ash and low sulfur coal Coal washing Best technology to choose fuel to balance environmental benefits Use of combined power plants Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
Pollution control methods of thermal power plants Control of Sulphur oxides Two basic approach Removal of Sulphur compound from fuel before burning(Desulphurisation of fuel) Froth floatation Chemical treatment Magnetic separation 2. Removal of SO2 from flue gas( flue gas cleaning) Wet scrubbing Catalytic oxidation Solid absorbent Use of low Sulphur coals Use of tall stacks Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
Reduction of temperature in the combustion zone Control of NO2 Reduction of temperature in the combustion zone Reduction of residence time in combustion zone Increase in equivalence Control of particulate Cyclone separator Scrubbers Electrostatic precipitation Bag house filters Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
Waste disposal option for thermal power plant Upstream method Downstream method Centerline method Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
Waste water from water treatment plants Waste water treatment Waste water from water treatment plants Water from hydraulic ash disposal system Rainwater collected Cooling water used in power plants Filtering Floatation Centrifuging Coagulation Setting and clarifying Bio-chemical methods Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering
THANK YOU ME6701-POWER PLANT ENGINEERING- UNIT 5 energy, economic and environmental issues of power plants- SREEDENDU/AP/EE 10/5/2017 Prabhakaran.T,Ap/Mech, Power plant Engineering 8