The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing (ECHO) 19/07/2018 ECHO is an independent research project commissioned and funded by the National Institute for Health Research’s School for Social Care Research The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing (ECHO) HLINSWAC_291116_RD&RS
Commissioning Housing with Care Robin Darton and Randall Smith Housing LIN South West Annual Conference, Bristol, 29 November 2016 This presentation reports on independent research funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the research team and not necessarily those of the NIHR School for Social Care Research or the Department of Health/NIHR.
Key Drivers, as reported by Commissioners For commissioners: Cost Capacity (Quality) For providers: Workforce The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing
The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing Financial Pressures Changing capital funding regimes Local authority funding 1% reduction in social rents from April 2017 Local Housing Allowance and Household Benefit caps National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing
The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing Capacity Supply: Availability of sites Alternative uses Local residents’ attitudes Local planning policies Responses: Opportunistic use of new developments Cross-boundary agreements Identify smaller sites/geographical gaps in provision The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing
The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing Service Users Predominance of self-funders (owner-occupiers) Maintaining mix of (more dependent) local authority-funded, and self-funded residents Focus on nominations for care and support BAME residents – geographical distribution The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing
Outcome-Based Commissioning Financial target OR Residents’ quality of life Obstacles to implementation The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing
The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing 19/07/2018 Comments/Discussion Does this match your experience? What has changed during 2016? How have you responded? Follow-ups in 2017 – What would you like to know? The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing HLINSWAC_291116_RD&RS
The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing 19/07/2018 Contacts Dr Robin Darton Senior Research Fellow PSSRU University of Kent Professor Randall Smith School for Policy Studies University of Bristol The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing HLINSWAC_291116_RD&RS