Kampot Provincial Referral Hospital General Information
Outline Geographic of Kampot Province Kampot Provincial of Health Department Kampot Provincial Referral Hospital
I. Geographic of Kampot Province The kampot province is the province of Kingdom of Cambodia that located at the southwest of the country and distance 148 Km from Phnom Penh. There are 6 districts, 1 town, 93 communes and 488 villages and 622121 population. The land area are 4873 Km2 and the population density are 121 persons/ Km2
II. Kampot Provincial of Health Department The Kampot PHD are coverage 4 OD, 5 referral hospital and 59 health centers: 4 OD: Kampot OD, Kampong Trach OD, Chhuk OK and Angkor Chhey OD. CPA 3: Kampot Provincial Referral Hospital CPA2: Kampong trach, Angkor Chhey and Chhuk referral hospital CPA1: Bunranie Hunsen Kohsla referral hospital.
III. Kampot Provincial Referral Hosptital The kampot provincial referral hospital has CPA3 level Total number of staff are 178 Doctors/Medical Asst – 17 / 5 (Surgeons : 7 ) Midwives (secondary/primary) – 25/2 Nurses (secondary/primary) – 66/10 Pharmacist/Pharmacist Assistant – 2/1 Lab Technicians- 7 X-Ray practitioners- 3 Dentist -4 Physiotherapist-3 Anesthesia – 7 The remaining are Non-Medical staff- 28
Out Patient Department Out-patient Consultation Oral and Dental Ophthalmologic ENT Mental health OI and ARV Non communication diseases VCCT and STD
IPD Services &Number of beds General Medicine 30 Pediatric 23 Maternity 20 Surgical ward 37 Post Operative 05 Eye Unit 10 TB 30 Total 155
Ancillary service Laboratory (include Microbiology) Blood Bank Pharmacy Medical Imagery (ultrasound, Radiology)
Technical Support Nutrition Laundry Management of Equipment and Materials Transportation-Ambulance
Thank You For Your Attention Kampot RH Presentation18/12/08