THE ULTIMATE TOWN DRAW THE MOUNTAINS Small Stream Large River You own this land Unlimited supplies and resources to create the ultimate town -Must provide way of providing food, shelter and energy for the people.
Think of all the things you like to have in your life and make sure it will be provided for them within Your town. Name your town 30+ minutes to create it Present to class.
GREENHOUSE EFFECT Growing since the industrial revolution. As the world’s use of energy grows, CO2 emissions grow even higher. Compounding the effect, 50 percent of today’s CO2 emissions stay in the atmosphere for 30 years, and the remainder for hundreds to thousands of years. As a result, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from pre-industrial levels to a level that far exceeds the natural range of the previous 650,000 years. The last time this much CO2 was released into the atmosphere was 55 million years ago, which resulted in the world’s oceans warming by 5 to 8 degrees Celsius
Following the Industrial Revolution, temperatures started to rise, as did the level of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reflect and trap heat radiation that would otherwise pass out of Earth’s atmosphere. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change linked the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases to three specific climate effects: -----increasing temperatures, -----rising sea levels and ------reductions in land ice and snow cover.
Without greenhouse gases the earth would not be habitable because it would be too cold; however, too much of a concentration of greenhouse gases would cause the planet to overheat.
ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIONS GHC’s – absorb some of the energy and radiate it back to the earth Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Chlorafluorocarbons(CFC) Water vapor CREATES GLOBAL WARMING
The IPCC predicts an increase in sea levels of 3 feet by 2100 due to thermal expansion of the ocean. The areas shaded in red would be underwater.