Political Reform Galveston City Government Types Commissioner Mayor/City Council City Manager Political Machines Thomas Nast Lincoln Steffens Wisconsin Robert M. La Follette 5 Reforms Women Suffrage Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony NAWSA Senate 17th Amendment Populist Party Granges, Alliances and the Populist Party William Jennings Bryan
Economic Reform Regulating Big Business Ida Tarbell Sherman Anti-Trust Act Roosevelt Taft Wilson FTC Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 Federal Income Tax Federal Reserve Workers’ Comp Women Labor Unions Samuel Gompers Eugene Debs Food Upton Sinclair Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act Environment John Muir Economic Reform
Social Reform Child Labor and Education Jane Addams Florence Kelley YMCA and Salvation Army Women Abortions Comstock Act Margaret Sanger Temperance Carrie Nation Tenements Jacob Riis Lynching Ida B. Wells WEB Du Bois Booker T. Washington NAACP Social Gospel Movement