Diabetic Retinopathy in Scotland SEHD SDG NSD IT Board NSD DRS IT Board PFIG SCI-DC Executive Group Board Co-ordinators Clinical Group Short-life groups Awareness Campaign Service Management IT Users Group
Board Co-ordinators Group Membership Chair – NSD national Screening Co-ordinator NHS Board Co-ordinators National DRS Co-ordinator DRS lead Clinician Meets 3 monthly
Board Co-ordinators Group Remit Ensure delivery of DRS across Scotland to national standards Review of key performance indicators Approve and develop policy for procedures and protocols Raise IT issues and change requests Review of national programme and forum to identify issues
Service Management Group Membership DRS Service mangers National DRS Co-ordinator Chair – elected within group Meets 3 monthly
Service Management Group Remit Operational delivery of DRS Review key performance indicators Share best practice and experience Promote adherence to national service specification Develop national procedures and protocols for approval by board co-odinators Identify IT issues and change requests (operational issues) Co-ordinate end user survey
Clinical Group Membership Meets 3 monthly NHS Board area lead clinicians National DRS Lead Clinician National DRS Co-ordinator Chair to be elected within the group Meets 3 monthly
Clinical Group Remit Training and education National (external) quality assurance Internal quality assurance Ophthalmology referral issues Grading, image quality and position Technical failure examination standards IT Change requests (clinical issues) Research
IT user Group Membership NSD Representative National DRS Lead Clinician National DRS Co-ordinator Chairs of other three sub groups Service manager representatives (x2) Retinal screener (photographer and grader) Siemens Representative ATOS Representative SCI-DC Operations manager Board IT manager representative Meets 3 monthly (on dissolution of IT project board)
IT user Group Remit Review, quantitate and prioritise IT change requests Identify IT change requests for action through the overall NSD IT Board Monitor and resolve emerging IT issues Review monitoring reports of technical service performance from ATOS
DRS Executive Group Membership Meets 3 monthly National DRS lead Clinician (Chair) National DRS Co-ordinator NSD National Screening Co-ordiantor Chairs of all sub groups Member of Board Co-ordinator’s group SEHD representative MCN manager representative Diabetes UK representative RNIB representative Chair of PFIG (sub group of the SDG) Meets 3 monthly
DRS Executive Group Remit To review the performance of the retinal screening programme in Scotland To produce and approve the annual report to NSD and the Scottish Diabetes Group Maintain knowledge of DRS evidence & developments across the UK and abroad Support and oversee research Review and approve emerging technologies and standards Advise SEHD on DRS policy Maintain link with NHS QIS, SIGN and other relevant bodies