ATLAS Upgrade Phase I & II Overview, IBL & R&D Tracker


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Presentation transcript:

ATLAS Upgrade Phase I & II Overview, IBL & R&D Tracker Roma, March 31th, 2008 G. Darbo - INFN / Genova Agenda Page:


LHC  SLHC: Current Understanding SLHC will come in two steps: SLHC Phase I & II Phase I will happen one year late in 2014 (official L. Evans words), Phase II probably also late by one year (no official statement) will start in 2018. Phase I will reach: 3x1034 peak luminosity (75 ev/bc) and 700 fb-1 integrated. Phase II will reach: 1035 peak luminosity (400 ev/bc, 50 ns) and 3000 fb-1. ATLAS, CMS and LHC discussing luminosity plots at the LHCC: Four LHCC upgrade sessions/reviews since July 2008

SLHC Phase I: Pixels Pixel detector need upgrade: B-Layer will not survive till end of Phase I (radiation damage) – designed for 1x1015 neq/cm2 fluence and expected > 3x1015 – front-end chips (FE-I3) will be inefficient at 3x1034 luminosity B-Layer cannot be substituted in a long shutdown: time, activation, dismount large part of pixel package A new layer inserted into the existing detector  new technology, new (smaller) beam-pipe Solution: Insertable Pixel B-Layer (IBL  see slides)

SLHC Phase I: Muon Muon detector has large uncertainty (factor 5) on cavern background: Possible performance degradation in the very forward region 2.0<h <2.7 (CSC region) Original Muon Spectrometer Design with 2 layers of CSC (8 precision measurements) but currently only one layer installed. Study the possibility to reinforce the CSC region by inserting a thin (50 mm) detectors to provide more measuring points and possibly pad read-out Current Options: TGC (Italian Group Interested in the electronics) MicroMegas (Italian Group Interested) ThinTubes MDT (Italian groups interested )

Small Wheel: CSC CSC

SLHC Phase I: TDAQ Trigger/DAQ: Several detectors have limited event volume; L1A rate at 3x1034 will be limited to 50-60kHz at 100% traffic levels Some detector inefficiencies as latency approaches 2.5 µs To reduce trigger rate  topological upgrade (still need to prove that this is useful)

ATLAS Phase II Upgrades: ID The Inner Detector will be completely replaced: Currently all silicon layout – options include gaseous detectors, trigger detectors Occupancy (400 ev, more pixels?) & material budget are critical issues  Layout Task Force (L. Rossi) appointed 2/2009 (AUW) Assemble whole ID at surface – install 7 m object Many services reused – new optical fibers (5 Gb/s vs. 40 Mb/s), CO2 cooling pipes Pixel (4 layers) Short strips (3 layers) Long strips (2 layers) Strips/Pixel disks SLHC ID Layout (2008 version)

Phase II Upgrade: Calorimetry LAr (see M. Citterio talk today): Most remains, new R/O (not rad-hard enough, better triggering) New PS (suit new R/O and current will be obsolete) LAr FCAL Several possible problems under study - ion build up between electrodes, heating causing boiling… Two solution considered: add mini-FCAL – replace FCAL (major work in the pit) Tile Calorimeters Scintillators, fibres, PM all OK New R/O – all data to USA15 – follow LAr for better trigger granularity New PS – current will be obsolete – match new FE electronics

Counting rates @ 1034 No safety factors CSC

ATLAS Phase II Upgrades: Muon Need to upgrade the forward region Need to sharpen the trigger thresholds Need to revise all the front and back-end electronics New small wheels Detector options TGC With trigger capabilities MicroMegas With trigger capabilities Small Tubes MDT Reinforcement of the inner part of the Big Wheels

Single Muon Triggers ATLAS Muon trigger: How improve single µ-trigger: Single µ-rate to high No control of rate above ~20 GeV Physics rate still OK (~Event Filter) at >20GeV How improve single µ-trigger: Use the Small Wheel in the trigger decision (presently only Big Wheel is used) Adding in selected regions of the inner layer of the barrel new triggering detectors (remove effect of IP z-spread) TDAQ need a strategy: 10x bandwidth at current trigger rates Throw away 90 % of current – good – events Considering a combination of several options like: Higher LVL1 rate (<~ 2x) - Longer LVL1 latency (<~ 2x): do some of LVL2 task at LVL1, e.g. combining objects Fast reject “LVL1.5” - Fast track trigger (FTK, associative memory) feeding LVL2 with tracks Calorimeter performance - Muon possibilities Is an Inner Track Trigger at LVL1 possible, needed, the best way to go?? ATLAS Ref.: T. Kawamoto Muon Week - 28/10/2008 100 kHz @ 1035

LoI – TP A Letter of Intention (LoI) for mid of next year followed by a Technical Proposal (TP) in 2012÷13

IBL Organization, INFN interests, money. IBL

Beam-pipe - Layout Beam-pipe radius can be reduced by at least 4mm On-site survey has shown that cavern floor is stable (~1mm respect 9.8mm foreseen) See LEB (LHC Experimental Beam-pipes) WG – 5/3/2009: Smaller beam-pipe  Layout options Better physics performance obtained with “reverse turbine” layout -sensor facing beam-pipe – cooling redundancy (two cooling pipes) for beam-pipe bake-out 1 mm

X0 - Ti cooling pipe option X0 - CF cooling pipe option Material Budget Physics performance  low material budget Strategy for reducing X0: carbon foam, carbon fiber (CF) cooling pipe, CO2 cooling,… X0 - Ti cooling pipe option X0 - CF cooling pipe option Omega 0.00165 Carbon foam 0.00179 Epoxy 0.00030 Sensor 0.00434 R/O chips 0.00382 Flex 0.00144 Cooling pipe (Al) 0.00266 Cooling fluid (C3F8) 0.00133 General total 0.01730 Total structure 0.00640 Structure+cool. Fluid 0.00773 Omega 0.00165 Carbon foam 0.00179 Epoxy 0.00030 Sensor 0.00434 R/O chips 0.00382 Flex 0.00144 Cooling pipe (CF) 0.00083 Cooling fluid 0.00133 General total 0.01550 Total structure 0.00457 Structure + cool. Fluid 0.00590

IBL Organization Project Leader (IBL-PL) endorsed by ATLAS CB: G. Darbo IBL Technical Coordinator (IBL-TC): H. Pernegger Project organization in discussion these days IBL TDR – Early 2010 reduce options for TDR – 2 sensor options will stay: 3D and n-in-n Cost and funding Cost evaluation (include new beam-pipe, installation, prototype work) in advance evaluation phase Part of the cost (~50%) covered by M&O-B (4.4 MCH are in the RRB tables inside Pixel M&O-B 2009÷12) – remaining on new groups and M&O-A MoU prepared together with TDR – “interim MoU” drafted by June time scale and more final by October AUW (ATLAS Upgrade Week)

INFN Possible Interests - I FE-I4 New front-end chip. 50x250µm2 pixels, 26.9k pixels, 160 Mb/s R/O. 5 labs: Bonn, CPPM, Genova, LBNL, Nikhef Sensors 3D & Planar (n-in-n) sensors are the options: 3D more charge after life dose (>3x1015 n/cm2) but scale production needs demonstration. Planar known technology but high Vbias (>800÷1000V) is a system issue. Genova (with IRST in 3D) & Udine (3D & Planar) in ATLAS. IRST-FBK, TN & TS in IGRV (3D sensors) Stave mechanics Milano actively involved in the pipe R&D and in the stave design.

INFN Possible Interests - II Stave Flex Hybrid Genova interested in the development of the “Stave” Flex Hybrid. Nice complement of the stave design in Milano to which the component is tightly connected. Module/Stave Loading & QC Genova interested in a role (to be better defined) in the module testing/stave loading & qualification process. PP2 Milano interested in the PP2 deliverable. They will provide it, if design need minimum changes (no redesign of the board). Other deliverables / activities Under investigation possible contribution on other parts and from new ATLAS groups.

R&D Tracker

Frontend Chip - FE-I4 FE-I4 Status Prototype blocks in MPW (MOSIS) submitted 3/2008, measurements, irradiation Design review (3/2009): “Design Technical Issues” on full scale design Foreseen complete design review in June and chip submission after Summer. New FE-I4 Pixel size = 250 x 50 µm2 Pixels = 80 x 336 Technology = 0.13µm Power = 0.5 W/cm2 FE-I3 active 16.8mm 20.2mm ~2mm ~200μm FE-I4 ~89% Chartered reticule (24 x 32) IBM reticule ~19 mm 7.6mm 8mm active 2.8mm FE-I3 74%

FE-I4 Review FE-I4 – “Design Technical Issue” Review March 2nd , 2009 - Review agenda page:

Sensors Planar & 3D Pixel Sensors R&D INFN R&D Activities: 3D: CNM Barcellona, Bonn, CERN, Freiburg, Genova, Glasgow, Hawaii, LBNL, Manchester, Oslo, SINTEF Oslo, Prague, MBC/Stanford, IRST Trento,  Udine) Valencia Prague, LAL Orsay ( Pisa-G.Calderini), Bonn, HU Berlin, TU Dortmund, MPP Munich, MPI Munich, Udine, Liverpool, UNM Albuquerque, UCSC Santa Cruz. IBL uses short time scale developments from both R&D’s INFN R&D Activities: GE: bump-bonding 3D sensors, testing with FE-I3, design collaboration with IRST, contribute to a batch of sensors (cost under “Convenzione INFN/Prov.TN) PI: work on planar sensors (also 3D), design & test slim edge sensors (critical for IBL where sensors are not shingled in Z – no space) UD: simulation of 3D sensor structures (Synopsys Dessis), test devices, test beam. IRST – FBK & TN: INFN Gruppo V Money see referee

Stave Homogeneous Stave – advantages R&D (Milano) Money  see referee Low density carbon foam structure with titanium or carbon fiber (CF) pipe option. CF pipe advantages: low X0, thermal matching with carbon foam support, non corrosion issues. Good progress in CF pipes: tested at 150 atm, no leakage (<10-7 atm•cc/s). New technology: need qualification for micro-crack development, develop fittings, find second source for production R&D (Milano) Study micro-cracks of irradiated CF pipes Study CF fittings for the pipes Qualification of a second source vendor for pipes Study of number of staves/CF pipes to evaluate yields. Money  see referee Homogeneous Stave

FTK - Architecture Exploit CDF track trigger to ATLAS See Paola Giannetti’s talk at Sestri Levante: Aims of a FTK in ATLAS: Tau & b-jet trigger at 1034 and Phase I – use as LVL1.5 trigger Possible LVL1 extension for Phase II Use Pixel and SCT R&D Scope Evaluate feasibility Evaluate costs Compare alternative (beefed up HLT especially LVL2)

FBK – R&D R&D presented to ATLAS Status of the R&D: Chicago, LNF (A. Annovi, M. Beretta, P. Laurelli), Harvard, Illinois, Pisa (V. Cavasinni, F. Crescioli, M. Dell’Orso, T. Del Prete, A. Dotti, P. Giannetti, G. Punzi, C. Roda, F. Sarri, I. Vivarelli, G. Volpi), Roma1 (M. Rescigno) ATLAS Upgrade Steering Group approved to develop a system appropriate to ATLAS. Status of the R&D: FTKsim is almost complete, but still un-friendly. Monitoring plots have been added. Insertion into Athena still in progress Hardware architecture choice: in progress this is the most complex part at the moment. Tau-jet and b-jet tagging performances at 10 **34 near to be ready Firmware/hardware development in progress: minimum needed for a reliable timing evaluation. No money requested now


LHC: Luminosity Plot Peak Luminosity Plot – Before LHC Accident SLHC II New injectors + IR upgrade 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2023 2022 2024 2025 2026 SLHC I New Triplet IBL Installed L= 3 x 1034 cm-2s-1 Shifted by one year Ref. F. Zimmermann - AUW SLHC Phase I delayed by one year 2014 Ref.: M. Nessi (AUW) from L. Evans Luminosity Plot Ref. R. Garoby – LHCC 1/7/2008 –

R&D  Systems November 2008 - Total of 34 proposals or expression-of-interest submitted since 2005. ~210 Institutes participating (multiple times), 7% of INFN Three new EoIs: TDAQ upgrade (Norman Gee) – see mail archive ( LV1 track trigger (Richard Brenner) – see: Mini-FCAL R&Ds working groups as backbone of LoI mapped into LoI sections.

Inner Tracker R&D EoI, Proposal presented to USG Approved by Executive Board Status – November 2008 Inner Detector Strips Pixel

Calorimeter, Muon & Other R&D EoI, Proposal presented to USG Approved by Executive Board Status – November 2008 Trigger, Elec, … Calorimeter Muon