EFREMOV INSTITUTE SAINT PETERSBURG RUSSIA Development, Manufacturing and Testing of Magnets with Resistive (“Warm”) Coils EFREMOV INSTITUTE SAINT PETERSBURG RUSSIA Victor Varentsov on behalf of EFREMOV INSTITUTE SAINT PETERSBURG RUSSIA How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (55 pt) Lower area (subtitle): Conference/meeting/workshop, location, date, your name and affiliation, max. 4 rows of the defined size (32 pt)
Collaboration of Efremov Institute with FAIR The Council of the FAIR GmbH has agreed to the collaboration between FAIR GmbH and the Efremov Institute regarding the design, production and delivery of: Electromagnets with resistive “warm” (not superconducting) coils for the Work Package WP PSP 2.3.2 - FAIR High Energy Beam Transport System (HEBT).
Collaboration of Efremov Institute with FAIR There are three basic groups of the HEBT magnets : Dipoles, Quadrupoles and Correctors. Magnets Quantity Dipoles 73 of 18 types Quadrupoles 173 of 4 types Steering 92 of 2 types TOTAL 338 of 24 types
Technical parameters of the magnets 4 Technical parameters of the magnets Dipole magnets Name Quantity Effective Length, Gap Inom Average losses Bmax Field quality ∆B/B Weight m A kW T [×10-3] kg dip1s_0 1 1.472 0.080 535 40.8 1.6 4 7200 dip1f_0 11 1.473 1115 38.9 9640 dip1f_1 2 1.197 34.5 7730 dip1f_2 1.068 30.9 7000 dip1f_3 1.308 35.2 8600 dip2_0 2121 53.38 13000 dip2_2 1.769 45.68 10800 dip13_0 28 3.231 0.073 2250 81.66 1.8 15000 dip13_1 2.692 71.2 12500 dip13_2 2.586 69.125 12000 dip14 0.756 25.95 5200
Technical parameters of the magnets 5 Technical parameters of the magnets Dipole magnets Name Quantity Effective Length, Gap Inom Average losses Bmax Field quality ∆B/B Weight m A kW T [×10-3] kg dip13high 4 3.228 0.093 751 127.1 1.8 20000 dip15_0 1.961 0.080 1115 47.86 1.6 12300 dip15_1 1 2.260 53.35 14500 dip16 2.937 67.1 18000 dip17_0 3.907 89.2 23000 dip10 6 3.232 0.073 2400 81.63 25500 Dip13_0 (with special yoke; dip13_3) 3 3.231 2275 83.49 15600
Technical parameters of the magnets 6 Technical parameters of the magnets Quadrupole magnets Name Quantity Effective Length, Aperture Inom Average losses Gmax Field quality ∆B/B Weight m A kW T/m [×10-3] kg quad2 81 1 0.130 271 17.7 10 5 2470 quad10 11 0.75 0.170 873 45.3 3210 quad11 69 1.2 0.105 455 16.77 15 3500 quad12 12 467 17.1 9970
Technical parameters of the magnets 7 Technical parameters of the magnets Steering magnets Name Quantity Effective Length, Gap Inom Average losses Bmax Field quality ∆B/B Weight m A kW T [×10-2] kg Steerer HEBT100 43 0.58 0.170 400 16.8 0.35 4 577 Steerer HEBT18 44 0.389 0.205 93 2.14 0.1 150 (large aperture) 5 0.3 -
Magnets delivery The magnets will be delivered in batches in accordance with an installation plan of the FAIR GmbH. Last magnet delivery is foreseen in the first quarter of 2017.
Composition of the Batch 1 9 Composition of the Batch 1 PSP-Code (Costbook V6.09) Magnet type Quantity for Primary beams Secondary Total Quantity dip1s_0 1 - dip1f_0 11 dip1f_1 2 dip1f_2 dip1f_3 dip2_0 dip2_2 dip13_0 26 dip13_1 dip13_2 dip14 47 4 51
Composition of the Batch 2 Steerer HEBT18 (large aperture) 10 Composition of the Batch 2 PSP-Code (Costbook V6.09) Magnet type Quantity for Primary beams Secondary Total Quantity dip13high 4 - dip15_0 dip15_1 1 dip16 dip17_0 dip10 6 quad2 22 quad10 11 quad11 57 quad12 12 Steerer HEBT100 31 Steerer HEBT18 34 10 44 Steerer HEBT18 (large aperture) 5 184 15 199
Composition of the Batch 3 dip13_0 (with special yoke; dip13_3) 11 Composition of the Batch 3 PSP-Code (Costbook V6.09) Magnet type Quantity for Primary beams Secondary Total Quantity dip13_0 2 - t.b.d dip13_0 (with special yoke; dip13_3) 3 quad2 37 22 59 quad11 12 Steerer HEBT100 66 88
Milestones for the FAIR project 12 Milestones for the FAIR project List of some major milestones for the FAIR project Name All major contracts closed for building and Infrastructure All contracts closed for major component component series production started Building and infrastructure ready for assembly All components installation (incl. testing) Assembly and alignment finished commissioning Commissioning without beam HEBT (primary beams) - Q2/2016 Q2/2018 Magnets (primary beams) Q2/2013 Q4/2014 Q4/2016 Q4/2017 Diagnostics (primary beams) Q4/2013 Q1/2014 Q1/2017 HEBT (secondary beams) Magnets (secondary beams) Q2/2014 Q4/2015 Q1/2018 Q4/2018 Q1/2016
Efremov Institute Cooperation 13 Efremov Institute Cooperation Many years Efremov Institute works in cooperation with European physical centers (e.g. GSI and DESY) in the field of design, engineering and manufacture of different electromagnets for accelerating facilities and experimental physical equipment.
Efremov Institute Cooperation 14 Efremov Institute Cooperation Cooperation with GSI In 1990 the magnet yoke for the 4π detector by weight of 100 t for the SIS/ESR project was manufactured and delivered. In 1997 5 dipole magnets (14,5° and 7,5°) for the HADES Experiment were manufactured and delivered. In 2003 2 dipole magnets (7,5°) for the beam line from SIS accelerator to the HHT experimental area were manufactured and delivered. In 2000-2001 2 quadrupole magnets of the spectrometer VAMOS designed by GSI were manufactured and delivered to GANIL, Caen, France.
Dipole (slow), dip1s_0, PSP Maximum field – 1.6 T Gap - 80mm Bending angle -7.5 deg Bending radius -11.25 m Effective length - 1472 mm Current - 535A Power - 39.4 kW Weight - 9700kg Year -1997, 2003
Dipole (slow), dip1s_0, PSP
Half yoke of Dipole (slow), dip1s_0, PSP
Quadrupole Q2 of the spectrometer VAMOS for GANIL, Caen, France Aperture radius – 250 mm Pole length – 0.7 m Current – 850 A Voltage drop – 134 V Weight – 11200 kg Number of magnets - 2 Year - 2001
Manufacturing of magnet yokes The laminated dipole magnet yokes are produced from magnetic steel ones from 1-mm-thick steel sheet of "Power Core 1200-100A" type (DIN EN 10106-02/1996) covered with Stabolit 70 on both sides. The quadrupole magnet yokes consists of laminated iron quadrants produced from 1-mm-thick steel sheet of "Power Core 1200-100A" type (DIN EN 10106-02/1996) covered with Stabolit 70 on both sides. All magnets can be easily deassembled in the horizontal plane for subsequent installation of the vacuum chamber.
Requirement to magnet coils The conductor for all coils should be made of oxygen-free electrolytic copper (OF-Cu according to DIN 1787) with a specific resistance not exceeding 1.72 x 10-8 Ω×m at 20°C. The coils should behave as rigid bodies with mechanical strength sufficient to withstand the electromagnetic forces and thermal stresses (which can occur cyclically) without developing cracks. All conductor parts should be insulated and impregnated with waterproof compound free of entrapped air. Electric strength of insulation between the conductors and the yoke should be tested at an effective voltage of 1.5 kV at 50 Hz applied for 1 minute. One of the coils produced (for each type of magnet) is to be subjected to 500 thermal cycles between 30 °C and 60 °C and after thermocycling tested before the series production continues.
Manufacturing of magnet coils
Manufacturing of magnet coils
Manufacturing of Magnet XBB for XFEL project All 14 XBB magnets are manufactured. Six of them have been measured. One of them is now at DESY for verifying results of the magnetic measurements, which have been done at the Efremov Institute. Homogeneity of magnetic field in the XBB should be about 1×10-4. So, to reach this accuracy magnetic calculations for the pole profile were required. Magnetic testing Special partial disassembling
Manufacturing of Magnet Type XQF (90 pieces) for XFEL project Three magnets has been assembled. For this quadrupoles the magnetic measurements have been carried out. The measurement results are analyzed now by specialists of DESY and Efremov Institute.
Manufacturing of Magnet Type XQH (35 pieces) for XFEL project Three magnets has been assembled.
Manufacturing of Magnet Type XQE (43 pieces) for XFEL project 16 quadrupole magnets XQE are manufactured. For 15 magnets the magnetic measurements have been carried out. Now the measurement results are analyzed by DESY and Efremov Institute specialists.
Manufacturing of Magnet Type XSC (17 pieces) for XFEL project 17 sextupoles XSC are manufactured.
Thank you for your attention!