College of Education for Girls Dr. Mohamed Younis Mohamed بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم College of Education for Girls Department of English Dr. Mohamed Younis Mohamed Applied Linguistics 1433-1434 H 5th Level
1.Introduction : The Course 2.The Need and scope for Applied Linguistics It is impossible to do most of our daily life activities without using language. Throughout history and across the world people have used language to chat, worship, play games, sing songs, tell stories, teach children, etc. which seem intrinsic to human life, as natural to us as flight is to birds. People do them without conscious analysis. It does not seem that we need to know about language to use it effectively.
So, language use is in many ways a natural phenomenon beyond conscious control. However, there are other aspects of language use in which we can intervene and make decisions that must be based on answering such logical questions. for example, what language skills should children attain? ; should children speaking a dialect be encouraged to maintain it or steered towards the standard form of a language? ; In communities with more than one language which ones should be used in schools?, etc.
These questions and many more others demand answers. To answer them it seems reasonable that we should set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use, to organise and formalize what we know, and to subject our knowledge to rational consideration and critical analysis. This is the aim of Applied Linguistics, the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making in the real world.
Examples and Procedures On the basis of this definition, we can say that Applied Linguistics sets out to investigate problems in the world in which language is implicated/involved, such as those educational and social problems. The Scope of Applied Linguistics As mentioned before, language is implicated in so many activities of our daily life. Hence, there are clearly different activities to which Applied Linguistics is relevant. In this matter, three main areas of study can be identified.
1.Language and Education This area includes : First-language Education, when a child studies their home/mother tongue language(s). Additional-language Education, often divided into second-language education(when someone studies their society’s majority or official language which is not their home language) and Foreign-language education(when someone studies the language of another country). Clinical Linguistics : the study and treatment of speech and communication impairments.
Work-place Communication Language Planning Forensic Linguistics Language Testing : the assessment and evaluation of language achievement and proficiency in both first and additional language. 2. Language, Work and Law This area includes : Work-place Communication Language Planning Forensic Linguistics 3. Language, information and Effect Literary Stylistics Critical discourse Analysis
Translation and Interpretation Information Design Lexicography All of these areas fall within the definition of Applied Linguistics. Some of them have their own identity and considered to be independent disciplines.