unit 2 Volleyball Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G Morgan, the athletic director of the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
Because of the increasing awareness of the sport worldwide, the Federation International de Volleyball was organized in 1947. A year later, the initial world championships were held in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Olympic Games Encouraged by the general public’s acceptance of the game, the FIVB began to try its best to have volleyball added to the Olympic Games, a dream that came true in Tokyo 17 years later. At present, the governing body of volleyball is Federation International de Volleyball.
Volleyball is a team game played by six players on each side Volleyball is a team game played by six players on each side. The purpose of playing volley ball is to send a ball over a net and within the boundaries of a court so that the opposing team is unable to return it or prevent it from hitting the ground. Boundary: 边界,分界线
In international competitions a match is the best of five sets; it is won by the team that wins 3 sets. Sets are won by the team that first scores 25 points. If teams are tied at 24 to 24, play continues until a two-point lead is achieved. The final set is won by the team that first scores 15 points. If teams are tied 14 to 14, play continues until two point lead is achieved. the best of five sets: 五局三胜制 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDk3MDU3NjQ=.html
The ball is put in play with a serve, hit by the server over the net to the opponents. The rally continues until the ball is grounded on the playing court, goes out or a team fails to return it properly. Serve: 发球 rally: 一个回合
Playing court and equipment
The three players along the net are front-row players and occupy Position 4(front left), 3(front center) and 2(front right), the other three are back-row players occupying position 5(back left),6(back center) and 1(back right). front-row players: 前排队员 Position 4:4号位
The basic skills of volleyball are serving the ball, passing the ball, setting the ball, spiking sets and blocking shots. Volleyball can enhance students’ speed, strength and stamina, develop their agility and flexibility, especially the coordination between teammates. passing the ball: 传球 setting the ball:二传 spiking sets:扣球 blocking shots:拦网
Special terms about basketball Volleyball court 排球场 Net 球网 Mesh 网眼 Double elimination 双淘汰制 Ace spike 主攻手 Captain 队长 Set up 托球 Save 救球 Fault 失误
Net fault 触网 Punching ball 拳击球 Attacking line 三米线 Net post 网柱 Match sheet 积分表 Double round robin 双循环制 Setter 二传手 Overhand serve 上手发球 Drop 吊球 Holding 持球 Umpire 裁判