組員: 何毓翔黃于真 楊巧卉林昕儀 張瑜倫張瑋辰 Crime and Punishment 組員: 何毓翔黃于真 楊巧卉林昕儀 張瑜倫張瑋辰
Outline Author Character Plot Climax Narrator Background Reflection
Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1821~1881 Russian "...the only psychologist from whom I have anything to learn." -Nietzsche Crime and Punishment The Idiot The Brothers Karamazov
Character Main character : Raskolnikov Sister : Avdotya Friend : Nastasya Friend : Sofya Police : Petrovich
Plot Raskolnikov was a poor student and wanted to kill the old lady. Raskolnikov killed the old lady and he accidentally killed the lady’s sister. Raskolnikov felt guilty and started to have fever and thought that everybody suspect him. Raskolnikov met Sofya, fell in love with her and wanted to confess everything to her. Raskolnikov confessed that he kill the old woman.
Climax He felt struggling in his mind. E.x: Did I really kill the old woman? Who I killed was myself, not the old lady. I destroyed myself forever!... It was the demon who killed the old lady. NOT ME!!!!!
Narrator Does the narrator speak in the first, second, or third person? Third person narrator Omniscient E.x: Sofya became hysterical and got dizzy. She had a fever all night and dreamed a lot of people, including Raskolnikov’s pale face. E.x: He suddenly came up with a strange thought: he want to stand up immediately……..
What is the connection between the title and the content? Reflection What is the connection between the title and the content? What will he feel if he did not kill the old lady’s sister? Why did he insist to kill the old lady? Are there any solution expect killing her?
We think that even though he did the right thing, it is still a crime. Conclusion We think that even though he did the right thing, it is still a crime. The punishment is unavoidable.
Thanks for attention