21 Ways to integrate the smartboard into the elementary classroom By: Derek Basham
Brainstorming, Kidspiration, Graphic organizer! Use the smart board to brainstorm ideas for class, allowing the students to come up and use the pens. Kidspiration- Interactive tool and resource for younger aged students Use it as a tool for yourself as a teacher to organize classroom activities.
Editing, proofreading, highlighter tool Use the smartboard to edit and proofread text going over in class. Easier for students to interact and understand. Highlighter tool so students can get up and be proactive.
Use gallery tools and share pictures You must use the smartboard likes its meant to be used as a visual aid, you know for the students who learn by pictures.
Use the smartboard to navigate the internet The way I see it technology will continue to grow, and the internet is a major part of it. Teaching primary aged students how to surf the internet safe way and for educational purposes will help them in the future.
Interactive activities Anything interactive for any subject can be used on the smartboard. Ex. Math – clock, fractions, adding Social Studies- maps, time lines Science- graphs, labs
Sharing presentations created by students or teachers Sharing power points or work created by students is much easier on the smartboard. With it being interactive the students can be up and moving around while presenting.
Stream videos or watch movies Educational videos or movies are easy to show on the smartboard. With technology upgrades this makes for an easier and more reliable tool.
Reviewing and games When it comes time to review for test no better way than to play jeopardy or some other interactive game for educational purposes. GAMES!!!!
Basically the smartboard is limitless Book design elements Illustrate digestive system Local government diagram Defining new terms Introducing a new concept Note-taking organizer Comparison activities Historical cause and effect
Always have a back up plan One thing to note, the smartboard is a piece of technology which is more than likely to fail on you in the future. So be prepared to go back to dry and erase, or chalk board. You get it….Smartboard Crash….Cricket Noise, Cricket Noise…..wow tough crowd.
Works cited http://fltechshare.pbworks.com/f/NJAET_Outline_SMARTBoard.pdf