Author: Daniel Guija Alcaraz Networking with the world LIGHTNING TALK: REAL TIME QUALITY OF SERVICE PATHFINDER Author: Daniel Guija Alcaraz
Motivation and proposal Real Time applications and services demand of customized and dynamic end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) to provide a desired quality of experience The proposal: Thanks to SDN’s Openflow implementation, we can design and develop a Traffic Engineering and Quality of Service algorithm to build up a real time Software Defined Network Application (SDNApp) solution based on NaaS (Network as a Service) paradigm
Approach and Goals Our approach: Pathfinder SDNApp is an external module that works with a “Less-greedy algorithm” that considers network-wide traffic implications while finding an optimal global path solution Main goals: - Dynamic and on-demand provisioning of network resources to provide Real Time Quality of Service over an Openflow network - Adapt the control plane to meet QoS requirements of real time applications - On-demand configuration of the forwarding plane
Benefits Pathfinder SDNApp enables real time applications to dynamically demand custom and end-to-end QoS over an Openflow network to meets application’s requirements or constraints “Less-greedy” approach avoids routing through links that would be potentially congested by network traffic - It considers minimum hop count, requested bottleneck and/or additive QoS parameters Upon application requirement changes, automatically generates flow rules to achieve QoS requests and dynamic re-configuration of network path App architecture allows use of custom algorithms and network state monitorization by retrieving statistics to re-route traffic in case of QoS violiations
Algorithm Network Abstraction Real time graph abstraction network topology with end-to-end attachment points, edges and nodes REST API SDN Controller Real time network topology
Finding a path 1. Graph reduction 2. Feasible paths subgraph 3. Bidirectional suitable path, selected upon minimum hop count and maximum bandwidth available Switch-port Queue mechanism to guarantees a minimum bandwidth
Minimum bandwidth threshold: 10 Mbps Preliminary Results Minimum bandwidth threshold: 10 Mbps TCP flow throughput performance comparison: Queue mechanism on a non-congested network
THANK YOU! The poster Daniel Guija Alcaraz (BarcelonaTECH – UPC) Iris Bueno Rodríguez (DANA, I2CAT Foundation) Eduard Escalona (DANA, I2CAT Foundation) The poster