Hungary Hungary
Weather: Hungary is in the continental zone and it has continental climate, that means there are four seasons. Winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The winter is usually cold and it often snows. The summer is hot and dry and it often rains in he first part. The hottest month is July and the coldest is January.
Meals: There are 3 main meals in Hungary: breakfast, lunch, dinner. In Hungary we have continental breakfast , we eat toast with jam and coldcuts with sandwich. We usually eat hot dish for lunch. We eat chicken soup and some meat with rice and potato. The students have lunch at the school canteen. We usually have to queue and we take spoons and knives and forks, we put the tray and take the food from the chef.
Traffic: In Hungary people drive on the right side. It is unusual in Britain and in Scotland. Some people go to work by bus or on foot or with bycicle. Bus: The bus is often crowded but it's cheap. Taxi: taxis in Hungary are very expensive so only a few people can afford to use it. Bycicle: The bycicle is very sporty but it's very tiring. Only a few people use the bycicle in Hungary. Car: cars are convenient, but they are expensive and polluting.
Sports: Hungarian people are very good at handball, waterpolo and in swimming. In the school we play football, basketball or floorball. Some people don’t like doing sports, they are just watching tv. Hungarian people like playing tennis, football, basketball, handball. Greeting: In Hungary when two friends meet, they shake hands or kiss on the cheek. Children are greeting to adults: Good Morning! Good Afternoon! Good Evening! or Good Bye. Houses: In Hungary people live in houses or flats. Some people build a new house. Unfortunately some people lose their house in the world crisis or because of the loans.
People: Hungarian people are very hospitable People: Hungarian people are very hospitable. Most people give presents when they go to celebrations. Lot of people make dinner for their guests. Famous Hungarian people in the twentieth century:Pál Erdős,he was a mathematician. János Neumann, Albert Szent-Györgyi, he discovered the C-vitamin. Ede Teller,he discovered the matches, the mineral water, and the ball pen. Hungarian Compers:Liszt Ferenc,Bartók Béla,Kodály Zoltán Writers:Kölcsey Ferenc,he wrote the Hungarian Himnusz. Vörösmarty Mihály,he wrote our second Himnusz. This is Szózat.
Hungarian Symbols: Hungarian’s biggest symbols are the Red-White-Green Hungarian flag. The Hungarian Crest,Hungarian Himnusz,Saint Crown or other places or animals. The Hungarian Crest is a shape of a shield with the top of the crown. Hungarian Crest has three hills, these are the symbols of Tátra,Mátra and Fátra. It has four silver stripe. These are the symbols of Duna,Tisza,Dráva,Száva. Hungarian Himnusz:wrote by Kölcsey Ferenc in 1823 in Szatmárcseke. Some Hungarikum: Pepper, Tokaji Aszú, Pálinka, Balaton. Some animals:Puli dog, Grey Beef, stork.
Shopping:Hungarian people often do shopping in the shopping centers Shopping:Hungarian people often do shopping in the shopping centers. We look the shopwindows and if we like it we go to the shop and try it on. Lot of people follow the fashion in Hungary. When we go shopping to the hypermarket, we usually write shoplist, so it is easier to remember what we would like to buy.