Teacher-centred Instruction Independent Learning Science Lesson 2 Chemistry Ecological Footprint Teacher-centred Instruction Independent Learning The teacher gives an introduction to the topic ecological footprint with a Power Point presentation The teacher divides the class in groups to work on a poster The teacher collects suggestions how to reduce our ecological footprint The pupils make a test individually about their ecological footprint The pupils make notes about the introduction of the teacher The pupils make a quiz individually Cooperative Learning Pupils suggest in a group how to reduce their footprint Pupils make a plan together for their own country and present it By making the quiz pupils reflect on their work Project Based Learning Pupils work first in group of their own country to measure their ecological footprint and present it Pupils compare the footprint with other countries making a bar chart classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Connection with the world Adaptive Learning Didactics Teacher-centred Independent Cooperative Projects Skills Cooperation Take responsibility . Reflect Persevere Worldclass Connection with the world classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Complete Instruction T I C P What am I going to do? Assignment How will I do it? That is how With whom will I do it? With your classmate What kind of help do I need? First, within your group and then … How much time do I have? XX minutes What do we do with the results? You check What should I do, if I finish early? Extra assignment classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Goals of lesson Strengthen awareness of our ecological footprint Recognize similar European developments about our ecological footprint Investigate possibilities to reduce our ecological footprint Encourage pupils to work together for a better environment classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
T I C P Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
T I C P Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Starting Position T I C P Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based Starting Position Pupils know a little about the topic ecological footprint Pupils work first in their own group of their country, afterwards they split up Teacher introuduces the topic with a Power Point presentation Pupils meet each other for the first time and therefore know almost nothing about the situation in each country classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Conditions T I C P Materials needed: beamer, Power Point Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Materials needed: beamer, Power Point wrapping paper crayons calculators/smartphones blu-Tack board coloured chalk test papers cardboard A4 papers felt-tip pens, coloured pens Glue scissors classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Reflection Pupils reflect on their work and their footprint by filling out the quiz and by presenting the projects in transnational group classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P