Art of the Australian Aboriginal.
Aboriginal Art Aboriginal Art has survived for over thousands of years and continues to be one of the oldest art forms practiced today. Aboriginal Art consists of symbols. These symbols were used as a means of communication; communication of their lives on earth, their rituals, food, customs and also to show constellations and for ritual decorations. These works were almost always ceremonial or religious. Symbols were used in order to show the presence of different things or objects that existed around them. Aboriginal artists created their works based on how the land was created, They based their subject matter mainly on patterns and animals.
Symbols used in Aboriginal Art.
Let’s look at some paintings and see if you can recognize some of the symbols.
Let's Create Our Own Aboriginal Works of Art. 1 Let's Create Our Own Aboriginal Works of Art!! 1. Pretend you are living thousands of years ago and need to create a work of art for your ancestors. 2. Choose up to three of the above Aboriginal symbols to create a storyline. 3. On the back sheet of your new, blank sketchbook page, write down the short story you are choosing to tell with your symbols. Use the original Aboriginal Art Works as inspiration to get you started. 4. On a blank sheet in your sketchbook, draw the symbols you have chosen, and create patterns to tell your story using different lines. 5. Once your lines are drawn and painted, use the other end of a paint brush to make the dots. 6. Make sure all your lines are completely covered in neatly, and you are only using the same colours you would see in nature to complete you work.
How to draw a snake In Australia, there are Aborigines who live today as they did thousands of years ago. Like cave painters, they use art as a way to tell stories known as "dreamings." One common feature to Aborigine artwork is that the insides are filled with lots of lines and dots and patterns. 1. Start with a dark paper and pencil and have the students make a large block-style letter "S", with the ends left open. 2. Show the students how to continue the top of the "S" that goes over the body and forms a head. They same is true for the bottom to end the tail. In both cases, the snake needs to get narrower in width. 3. Lastly, they erase the lines that wouldn't show. Ask the students to trace the snake with a light colour on the outside, and a light stripe down the centre of the body. To finish they can divide the snake up in sections, colour patterns and then also colour the outside. You could use regular coloured pencils or oil crayons as well. Just make sure to test them first as not all colours are opaque and thus kind of disappear on the black paper.