Development of French Absolutism 1589 - 1643
Henry IV Foundation of French Absolutism Most beloved of French monarch
Policies Political Taxation - Paulette Economic - Duke of Sully
Assassination Assassinated in 1610 Catholic fanatic, Ravaillac Feared king was plotting against the pope
Execution of Ravaillac
Power Struggle Nobles force Marie to call Estates General Regent for 9 year old Louis XIII Nobles want to reassert power over 3rd Estate (Bourgeoisie) Extreme hostility between groups Dismissed
Louis XIII (1610-1643) Sickly and timid man Understood need for strong government Dominated by his mother and later by Cardinal Richelieu
French Absolutism Armand Jean du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu Cardinal - 1620 Chief Minister 1624-1642 1630 - Louis exiles Marie rather than lose his chief minister “Raison d’etat”
Foreign Policy Anti-Hapsburg Supports Lutherans in Germany Direct involvement in 30 Years’ War - 1635
Domestic Policy Eliminate opposition to the monarchy Pacify nobility Ailing Cardinal takes two nobles to their executions for conspiracy at Lyon in 1642 “The State Barge of Cardinal Richelieu on the Rhone” - 1829
Domestic Policy Eliminate opposition to the monarchy Revoke military provision of Edict of Nantes Besieged La Rochelle in 1627 Principal Huguenot fortress-city 14 months 5,000 out of 26,000 survived Huguenots allowed their beliefs
Louis’ Death Richelieu dies in 1642 Louis dies in 1643 Appoints Cardinal Mazarin Louis dies in 1643 Chateau de Cheverny Loire Valley No medieval remnants Built entirely in the 17th century Louis XIII style Square pavilions flanking the central pile