Acer Agusta tear down SOP Quanta CNBU ME team 2014/10/30 (EV1)
Preparation: tools Thin slice of plastic or guitar picks(0.5~0.7mm thickness) Small tweezers Phillips screwdrivers(#0) Metal SIM pin or paperclip
Step 1: Use metal SIM pin or paperclip stab into the SIM tray hole insert insert Pull out the ejected tray
Step 2: Use the sharp edge of plastic tool insert the gap between bottom case and LCD bezel. insert The insert point is at the middle area of volume and power key
Step 3: Keep plastic slice steady, then push it counterclockwise until bottom case and LCD bezel have separated. Forcing direction
Bottom case tear down completed
Step 4: Tear down the battery Tear the yellow tapes out first, then separate the male and female battery connector, and then remove the battery. Fast-remove-adhesive liner
First, separate the male and female battery connector. Second, grab the liner of battery-fast-remove-adhesive and pull out. Finally, the batter can be removed easily.
Step 5: Remove RF cable Plug out the connector Plug out the connector
Step 6: Remove speaker 連接器 Second, tear 2 screws down and remove the speaker. First, separate the male and female power connector. 連接器
Step 7: Remove FPC First, remove the FPC from zif connectors, two side by each one. Second, remove both FPC, pull them up against bezel.
Step 8: Remove sub PCBA Conductive adhesive between sub board and bezel Pull up from this edge
Step 8: Remove cameras Second, remove cameras First, remove FPC from both zif connectors
Step 9: Remove the USB-metal-holder screws Remove 2 screws
Step 10: Remove main PCBA Tear down 4 screws Remove PCBA
Tear down completed