Virtual Training Room David Hernandez, Joshua Opada, Dorian Ozoude Group #43 TA: Kexin Hui
Introduction In recreation centers, the floors tend to be boring with outdated layouts that have been unchanged for years We saw an opportunity to create an interactive and visually appealing gym floor constructed of LED tiles This LED floor would be an efficient way to change the floorplan to any type of display for any sport This interactive aspect of this floor would be used to implement different types of sports training programs
Objective The core objective for this project is a proof-of-concept model since our resources and time are limited This model generates floorplans for sports such as: Basketball Volleyball Track Also incorporated a user-interactive jump rope game
Block Diagram
Tile Frame Features: Supports weight and physical stress adults exercising Translucent to allow visible light from LEDs to shine through while still masking circuitry Allows sufficient space for the LEDs the load cells and other circuitry Interlock on any side with other tiles
Design Considerations Through research, we found polycarbonate to be a sufficient material for our impact resistance requirements For interlocking the tiles we added a male and a female connector on each side
LED Array Each tile has a 5x5 array of WS2812B RGB LEDs 25 LEDs are connected in parallel in a line throughout the tile to form a square Each tile has a resolution of 5x5 with each LED representing 1 pixel Each LED is spaced 2.5” apart from each other This LED spacing continues when one tile is connected to another tile
LED Array
PWM Timing The timing for the PWM is important to send the proper data to the LED arrays. To send a low code in the PWM is high for 0.35 µs and low for and low for 0.9 µs. Visa versa for a high code Doing the math, the LED array would be updated at a frequency of 1.3 kHz which is fast enough for smooth movement.
Load Cells The load cells used in the tiles were TAS606 sensors that were rated for 200 kg Each load cell was placed at each corner of a tile. Data was taken from each of the 4 load cells to determine where the user is on the tile.
Load Cells
Load Cell Amplifier The HX711 amplifier was used to amplify the signals being sent from the sensors. Allows the data to be usable by the microcontroller Allows for calibration of the sensors through the microcontroller
Bluetooth A HC-05 Bluetooth module to allow for Android phones to communicate to the tiles wirelessly We required to module to be able to communicate with an Android phone from at least 10 ft away
Application The application allows the user to connect to Bluetooth. It also displays the state of the LED array Buttons can be pressed to change the state from an Android smartphone
Microcontroller An ATMega328p was used as a microcontroller to control each tile Each of the microcontrollers have to communicate to each other for dynamic lighting The microcontroller had to be able to output the PWM signals that contained the data to change the color and brightness of the LED array The microcontroller also needed to be able to communicate with the Bluetooth module
Flow Chart
Powering the LED Array LEDs Requires 5 V Draws 60 mA when the LEDs are a full brightness will all RGB settings set to their maximum value We used these rated voltages and currents to calculate the max power to be drawn from the LED Arrays (5 volts DC) * (60 mA max per LED) * (50 LEDs) = (5 V DC) * (3 A) = 15 W, max power from LEDs
Powering the Control Circuit As noted in the block diagram, power is individually routed into each tile In each tile, the power is further routed to the LED Array, the Bluetooth module, the microcontroller, and the load cells The current drawn by the remaining circuitry Bluetooth module: maximum of 30 mA Load Cells: 3 mA per load cell (4 load cells are used) Microcontroller(ATMega328p): 46.5 mA per chip (2 chips are used) Total: 30 mA + 4 * 3 mA + 2 * 46.5 mA = 135 mA Total Power Drawn = (135 mA + 3 A) * 5 V = 15.675 W
Power Supply Converts 120 V AC to 5 V DC Takes grid voltage by plugging directly into the wall and sends 5 V output to the circuitry in each tile Current Rating For safety considerations, we rated the Power Supply at 6 A to avoid reaching the limits of the source
Results and Important Verifications The tile allowed for an adult to jump on the tile 5 times as per verification LEDs were controlled properly using microcontroller in order to display an image of each court, track or game Load cells calibrated so that it throws away any weight measurement less than 30 lbs.
Conclusion and Further Work Lower Price The most expensive part are the load cells at $50 each. We would like to attempt to work with cheaper load cells. We aren’t worried too much about the precision of weight measurement. Modular In the future we would like the tiles to have connectors at the center of each side of the tile that interconnects power and data between the tiles without taking them apart. Interactive Implementations The success of the jump-rope game functionality offers promise for further user-interactive training programs such as a track floor that remembers a user’s previous running time and uses that data to challenge the user to further beat their running time.
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