Vaccination on cattle
Clostridial 8-way MLG Bacterin used for the prevention of blackleg, malignant edema, Black disease, enterotoxemia (overeating disease), Clostridium sordellii and bacillary hemoglobinuria in healthy cattle and sheep. Dosage: 5 ml SQ for cattle. Repeat in 3-4 weeks.
Calves At Calf Working (1 to 3 months): 1. 8-way clostridial toxoid. 2. 5-way leptospirosis bacterin. 3. IBR/PI3/BVD/BRSV (killed or modified-live virus*). 4. Pasteurella hemolytica toxoid (steers only).
At Weaning or (even better) 3 weeks prior to weaning: 1. 8-way clostridial toxoid. 2. 5-way leptospirosis. 3. IBR/PI3/BVD/BRSV (killed or modified-live virus*). 4. Pasteurella hemolytica toxoid.
After Weaning (Heifers): 1. Brucellosis. 2. Campylobacter fetus bacterin (oil-based). Prebreeding (Heifers: 1 month prior to breeding): 1. Campylobacter fetus/ lepto-5 (oil-based). 2. IBR/PI3/BVD/BRSV (modified-live virus). 3. 8-way clostridial toxoid.
Cows and Bulls Prebreeding (3 to 4 weeks prior): 1. Campylobacter fetus/ lepto-5 bacterin (oil-based). 2. IBR/PI3/BVD/BRSV (modified-live virus vaccine given when cows are open). 3. 8-way clostridial toxoid. Pregnancy Examinations: 1. 5-way leptospirosis bacterin. 2. 8-way clostridial toxoid